Halloween is the Mariah Carey of October. That said, even someone like me, who prefers summer to any other season, can find lots of other, less dramatic things to like about October. Here’s my 5 favorite things about the tenth month of the year:
1. Candy pumpkins
With apologies to candy corn, our family prefers candy pumpkins. These delicious morsels of sugar are awesome–especially the way you can take a bite out of them with your front teeth and then see your teeth marks in the pumpkin!
2. Halloween books
We have amassed quite the collection of Halloween children’s books over the years. My favorites? Halloween Mice by Bethany Roberts with its rhyming-not-rhyming happy mouse family and Pumpkin Day, Pumpkin Night by Anne Rockwell. My daughter and I have read one or the other of these books at bedtime since September!
3. The fall colors in Michigan
When winter comes, I spend months wondering how I ended up in the frozen tundra of Michigan. Yup, this California native misses sunshine and 70 degrees. BUT, I do love the gorgeous fall colors that appear in Michigan each October. The changing leaves are truly spectacular.
4. Not having to shave my legs so often.
Thank you, October, for cooler temperatures, which means I can wear pants and skip shaving a bit more often!
5. Excitement
Sometimes I might get stressed about trying to find the perfect costume or getting enough candy for trick-or-treaters. But most of the time in October, I feed off my kids’ excitement. They love thinking about their costumes and trick-or-treating. They glow with excitement for Halloween parties in the neighborhood or at school. They exude happiness when we visit a pumpkin patch or go on a hayride.
And when they’re happy, it makes me happy!
What do you like about October?
I enjoy biting into the candy pumpkins too!!! And I won’t even tell you how long it’s been since I last shaved my legs…
Katie @ Pick Any Two recently posted…6 Things Happy People Do Every Morning
Yay! Another candy pumpkin fan!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…5 Things I Love about October
Thank you for the reminder that I’ve got to get our pumpkin patch visit organized. Yes, my two are far away across the country. Yes, I still go to the pumpkin patch. October isn’t October without a visit to the pumpkin patch. Have to say I absolutely adore October. Love the crisp cold air that allows me to sleep better at night, the smell of firecrackers and the baking. Oh the baking! Pumpkin pies, sugar cookies shaped like pumpkins and bats, decorating the front door with zillions of chocolate bar wrappers (my daughter’s original – a tradition I delight in keeping up) and the gorgeous colours of the trees – especially the maple. Fall? Yes please!
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…Butter Is Good For You
Ooo, you must Instagram the candy bar door. That sounds neat–and what a fun memory and tradition!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…5 Things I Love about October
My favorite thing about October is pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING!! When the pumpkin muffins and lattes, etc come out, I am in heaven! FALL HAS ARRIVED!! (but the not shaving my legs thing is a strong second!!) –Lisa
The Dose of Reality recently posted…‘Tis The Season
Mmm….pumpkin flavored everything! I’m still waiting to try the pumpkin Eggo waffles. For some reason I think those would be excellent!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…5 Things I Love about October