Here’s a blast from the past. When my son was two we dressed him like Napoleon Dynamite. Yeah, we thought we were cool parents!
Poor kid. Worst Halloween costume for a toddler ever.
Thankfully, we let him out of the house to trick-or-treat as a caterpillar. And he was happy. And cute.
Have you made any questionable choices in Halloween costumes for you or your kids?
I have done that. lol We went out as a Monster High and they thought she was Lady Gaga.
Tess recently posted…Tuesday Things
There was a year that a lot of kids were the High School Musical characters and I had no idea who they were. I think I thought one was a hooker!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Bad Halloween Costumes for Toddlers
Oh my gosh that’s hilarious! Brady was a baseball player once except he just looked like Brady with a ball cap on, ha!
Stephanie @ From the Burbs to the Boonies recently posted…Small Town Tuesday: Our city park
Last year Benjamin didn’t want to dress up, so he ended up wearing the bottom of Henry’s dog costume and the top from his own mouse costume. I’m not sure if I even have pictures!
PS I nominated you for a blog award over on my blog today:
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Ten on Tuesday: Questions for the Dinner Table
Thanks, Rabia!
And I really would have liked to see that half dog, half mouse costume. Er, maybe not.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Bad Halloween Costumes for Toddlers
Well I loved Napoleon Dynamite! 🙂
One year my daughter and son traded parts of their costume and he wore the witches long hair with his Star Wars costume and she had the head to whatever it was with a witch dress. It was pretty funny.
Michelle recently posted…Feeling the Blog Love
I think the Napoleon costume is hilarious. I tried to get all my kids to dress up like Kiss, but they wouldn’t have it. Then I said, “I know. You dress as a police officer. You dress as an indian. You dress as a construction worker, and you dress as a Navy man.” They all thought that was a great idea until Punkin finally got it: “You are NOT dressing us like the Village People!”
BWAHAHAHA! I was so busted.
Missy Homemaker recently posted…Happy 39th Birthday Bash Giveaway!
My kids wouldn’t know who the Village People are! Now I’m thinking of great brother-sister acts I could try and dress them like–Donny and Marie?!
Personally, I LOVE the Napoleon Dynamite costume.
Ashlee recently posted…Blog Announcement
You know, this was a last-minute post and if I had given it my full attention, I probably would have embraced the greatness of this costume rather than throw it under the bus!