Something amazing happened last week.
People liked one of my blog posts. I mean, they really liked it!
At last glance, my little post on 10 Things to Say to the Trick-or-Treaters Dressed as Elsa was liked by over four thousand people on Facebook. Four thousand! My previous best was probably less than a hundred.
Okay, maybe it was a few dozen.
When I shared the good news with my husband, he asked “What does that mean?” Good question! Turns out it meant I was happy – and that’s pretty much it.
“Can you do it again?” he asked.
Another good question! The answer is a big fat hopefully. But it may have been simply a cosmic alignment of all the right planets and stars and Elsa costumes in the year 2014. In other words, maybe lightning won’t strike twice. After all, how many posts on Elsa and Halloween can a person write, much less get shared by the right people at the right time?
So I’m calling it. I may very well have peaked. I could be a one-hit wonder of the blogosphere!
Which got me thinking. What are some of the greatest one-hit wonders of all time (besides me of course)?
Here are my picks, spanning the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s.
1. Kung Fu Fighting by Carl Douglas.
2. Two of Hearts by Stacey Q.
3. 99 Luftballoons by Nena.
4. Stacy’s Mom by Fountains of Wayne.
5. You Light Up My Life by Debby Boone.
6. Tub Thumping by Chumbawamba.
7. Too Shy by Kajagoogoo.
8. Torn by Natalie Imbruglia.
9. Relax by Frankie Goes to Hollywood.
10. Come on Eileen by Dexy’s Midnight Runners.
Did I pick any of your favorite one-hit wonders? What one-hit wonder are you now going to sing all day? What would you include in the list?
Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook. Maybe you’ll be the reason that lightning strikes twice for the Experienced Bad Mom! And if you were one of the folks who shared my Elsa Halloween post? Thank you! Truly, thank you.
Wow. I am one who understands how huge 4000 likes are. Huge. I am so glad I knew you before now. Before you’re big. I am delighted for you. 4000 is Spooktacular. Golly.
Kelly l m kenzie recently posted…Smoke And Mirrors
You did know me when! And now. You know, when I’m still the same. It was a good run, those 5ish days. Now back to reality!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Great One-hit Wonders
Congrats on your viral event!! WHOO HOO!! You are most certainly NOT a one hit wonder!! (but I have to say I love almost every song on your list even if they are one hit wonders! Go figure!) Here’s to thousands and thousands of FB shares for the future!! You GO GIRL!! –Lisa
The Dose of Reality recently posted…Forget #30 Days Of Gratitude, We’re Doing #29 Days Of Complaining
Thanks Lisa! May you enjoy my blog posts for years to come and may you sing “Come on Eileen” very loudly in the carpool lane today!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Great One-hit Wonders
“Torn” was a great song! I remember being in HS and wanting to chop my long hair because Natalie’s hair looked so cool and unique (for the time) in the video :).
Shelly recently posted…Motherhood, Version 3.0
Her hair was soooo cool! Now I’m singing: You’re a little late, I’m already torn…
Congrats on the 4000 hits, but I love that you followed it up with a list of 1 Hit Wonders! 🙂 Glad I clicked through from the Mommy Monday Blog hop!
Kate @ Did That Just Happen? recently posted…What To Do With The Left Over Halloween Candy
Thanks, Kate! Glad you clicked through, too. 🙂
Such a great list! I sing along to most of these in the car on a regular basis. Congratulations for the virality. Is that a word? Red squiggly line says, :no” but I’m leaving it anyway!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…#TuesdayTen: What Would You do with Two Extra Hours a Day?
Virality – yes, yes, I think they use that in those Cialis commercials! 😉
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Great One-hit Wonders
Tub Thumping always makes me happy!!
I think American Pie (Don McClean) is pretty much a one hit wonder.
Kim recently posted…Family Dinner
Ooo, American Pie – good one!
Congrats! I loved that post, it totally made me laugh, and told my family about it 🙂 And then no Elsas 🙁
I don’t think you’re a one hit wonder AT ALL!!
Here’s to lightning striking twice or 100 times…
I love Stacy’s Mom, my husband always puts the kids’ names in place of Stacy 🙂
mRS. AOK recently posted…Thank You Notes {3}
Aw, that’s sweet of your husband! And thanks for your vote of confidence. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Because It’s All about the Bacon
FOUR FREAKING THOUSAND??!!!!!! OHMYGOSH THAT IS HUGE!!!!!! I am SO behind… Off to go read THAT post! Congrats Katy!! SO awesome. How much traffic did it bring in? I hope your site BLEW UP with it!!! (Not literally or anything- that would be cruel)
Chris Carter recently posted…What is REALLY Behind a Facebook Status Update