I’m sharing 10 hilarious quotes from the movie Elf today because I love to laugh and make people laugh.
Admit it. The holiday season can be stressful. That’s why we can lighten the mood with a few good laughs – and Buddy the Elfisms.
Don’t get me wrong. We love Home Alone and Christmas Vacation in our house. But, we especially love Elf. There’s something about Buddy’s enthusiasm for Christmas the we find infectious!
Here I present my handpicked collection of 10 funny quotes from Buddy.
Buddy the Elf. What’s your favorite color?
Francisco. That’s fun to say.
You sit on a throne of lies.
Santa! I know him!
I’m a cotton-headed ninny muggins.
First we’ll make snow angels for 2 hours, and then we’ll go ice skating, and then we’ll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse cookie dough as fast as we can, and then to finish we’ll snuggle.
Son of a nutcracker!
I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU!
Smiling’s my favorite
He’s an angry elf
There are many more hilarious quotes from the movie Elf that I left out. Did I forget your favorite? Or, if Elf is not your family’s favorite, which Christmas movie do you love to watch this time of year?
Christmas Vacay is my favourite for sure but I also love Elf. Can’t wait to get the Xmas movies out, thinking Friday night might be perfect to kick off with a trifecta….
And why is the carpet all wet, Todd?
I don’t know, Margo!
My husband and I say that one year-round. It’s a Christmas Vacation classic!
Katy recently posted…10 Hilarious Quotes from the Movie Elf
I totally forgot how funny this movie is!
It’s one of those movies that makes me laugh every time!
Katy recently posted…10 Hilarious Quotes from the Movie Elf
Ah, my American cousin, you’ve warmed my heart once again. Son of a nutcracker! Absolutely one of the top Christmas must-sees in our family. That and Christmas vacation “Is Rusty still in the Navy?” “They want you to say the blesssssing!” “Shitter was full …” And of course, Home Alone and its “Buzzzz, I’m in your room!” Every time the pizza guy pulls up to the house, I want to shout out “careful!”
Another family fave, well at least for me and my daughter, is Love Actually. Especially the bits with Colin Firth. “You learned English.” “Yes, just in cases.”
Must stop or there’ll be no room for any more comments. Perhaps I’ll go watch a festive flick. It’s not yet 6:00 AM here …
Kelly l m kenzie recently posted…Women’s Bathing Suit Alternatives
Ah, we love Christmas vacation too. Now, you are the second person in a couple weeks to mention Love, Actually. I saw that once so I must have been asleep or in the throes of new motherhood because I (gasp) honestly don’t remember it! But if Kelly McKenzie recommends it, then it must be a winner.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Ode to the Mom Who Didn’t RSVP
Ha! My kids still haven’t seen Elf. We usually stick to the old classics like White Christmas and Miracle on 34th Street. Perhaps this is the year to branch out. My 4-year-old loves all comedies and would probably put Elf as a new favorite.
Leslie recently posted…The Happy Now Blog Link Up #36
I can’t promise you, but I do think Elf is fine for kids. Buddy is basically a big kid and does silly stuff! That said, there may be a couple of adult-y things that would probably go over their heads. My kids, 9 and 13, think it’s a hoot.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Ode to the Mom Who Didn’t RSVP
“You did it! Congratulations! Worlds Best Cup of Coffee! Great job everyone. It’s great to be here” hahahaha. LAVA this movie. Says the woman who just bought a Elf shirt to get into the spirit this year. #happynowlinkup
The Rambler recently posted…10 things to say if you were filthy rich.
LOVE! It tastes like a crappy cup of coffee? It IS a crappy cup of coffee. No, it’s the world’s best cup of coffee.
The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear.
I’m singing, I’m in a store and I’m singing!
There’s no singing in the North Pole!
Love those lines! Such a quote-able movie! Great post, Katy! Now I have to go home tonight and watch Elf!
Well, did you watch it? Goodbye Mr. Narwhal!
I like smiling. Smiling’s my favorite, too.
Jenny @ Unremarkable Files recently posted…6 Perfect Gifts for Practical People
I read these with my kids and we laughed and laughed–thank you!!!!!
(Visiting from Eli’s post!)
Buddy makes the world brighter and funnier. 🙂
Elf is one of my favorite Christmas movies! Seeing these quotes makes me want to watch it again.
Terra Heck recently posted…Sun Bum Beach Formula Shampoo and Conditioner – Review
We’ve watched bits and pieces of it about three different times so far. It’s still so funny!
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