They’re coming.
Not the walking dead. Or the Boy Scouts with their popcorn.
No, the Elsas are coming. All 5,082,367 of them.
How do I know there will be so many of them? A couple weeks ago I took my daughter, 7, to a Halloween event. And then I almost lost her. That’s because she as well as ever other girl under age 10 were dressed as Elsa from Frozen.
So to be prepared for the onslaught of Queen Elsas showing up at your door this Halloween, here are 10 Things to Say to Trick-or-Treaters Dressed as Elsa:
1. So the cold never bothered you anyway?
2. You kind of set off an eternal winter.
3. Did you tell the guards to open up the gates?
4. You’re so wise, Elsa. You can’t marry a man you just met.
5. So. DO you wanna build a snowman?
6. What does it mean, “My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around”?
7. Conceal. Don’t feel.
8. By the way, who designed your dress?
9. Do the magic Elsa!
And finally {duh}…
10. Let it go! Let it go!
What else do you want to say to the Elsa trick-or-treaters this Halloween? What costumes are your kids wearing this year?
I’m SOOOOOO doing this!!! This is brilliant 🙂
Mrs. AOK recently posted…Thank You Notes {1}
Hee hee!! Thanks!
Can you believe I had NO Elsas!! I did see an Anna, though.
I hope you had a Happy Halloween 🙂
mRS. AOK recently posted…Thank You Notes {2} #Linkup
Wow!! You know, in our neighborhood we only saw 4. I think the bad weather here kept the wee ones away. At the elementary school parade, though, there were about 6 Elsas in each Kindergarten and 1st grade class!
Cute! #sits
Crystal recently posted…A Parents Guide to Keeping It Classy
As I sat in paralytic shock in the movie theatre watching the mind numbing “Rugrats In Paris” I truly thought it would never end. My considerable consumption of endless children’s flicks. My pal sat beside me – gently snoring – as her two and mine chuckled uproariously at every potty mouthed line. I am stunned some 15 years later to realize that my life has taken a HUGE shift in another direction. I, Kelly L Mckenzie, have NOT seen Frozen! I can’t quote a line, don’t know an Elsa from a snowman and I’m ok with that. As for Halloween night? I shall look at my 345th Elsa and grin. Thanks to you I’ll say the exactly appropriate thing (having memorized these fabulous 10 comments.) Bless you Katy.
Kelly l m kenzie recently posted…Corn Maze Hell Over At Coach Daddy
Oh, so happy to help! Here’s a few more tips: anyone dressed like a snowman is Olaf from the movie. You may also see a few girls (but not a thousand) dressed in a blue Norwegian dress with a mauve cape: these girls are Anna, who is Elsa’s plucky sister with a much less cool wardrobe than Elsa, hence the lower numbers of girls turning out like her!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Things to Say to the Trick-or-Treaters Dressed as Elsa
And in my opinion, Anna is the much better character. She is the heroine after all!
Darling, and so true!! My little one is going to be Elsa as well and her sister will be Anna. Boy, do we have a trend going! It will be a great Halloween. Thanks for a smile!
Elizabeth recently posted…Keeping Up with the Busies: 6 Tips to Manage Busyness
Oh, Perfect!! You have a matching set. Now maybe Mom should go as Olaf?! 🙂
My nine year old daughter was Elsa, My three year old girl Anna, and my other three year old boy went as Olaf.
wonderful! I’m lucky to be teaching yoga at the school Halloween party and I’m just glad Elsa doesn’t have any pointy costume parts.
I’ll be using the Let It Go line for sure!
Aruna – Young Yoga Masters recently posted…Creative Ways to Get Kids Yoga into Schools
needed to read this BEFORE going trick-or-treating at Disneyland!
Justin Knight recently posted…Making Halloween Memories With Chasing Fireflies
Ha ha ha! I guess “Let it go” is appropriate here?!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Things to Say to the Trick-or-Treaters Dressed as Elsa
I too have an “Elsa” in our household. This is hilarious! You just made my Monday. 😉
Kerry recently posted…Her Juggle: Katy Blevins
BWAH HA HA HA!! Number 6 made me almost spew my water on my keyboard!! That is AWESOME!-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted…The Year My Parents Tried To Ruin Halloween
My daughter loves Elsa, but she’s had her costume for months so she’s been there, done that. I imagine we’ll see lots of Frozen characters out.
Amber recently posted…A League Of Their Own Halloween Costumes
We bought our daughter’s Elsa costume in July off Etsy because we couldn’t find an offiical Disney one. It’s actually quite lovely! I saw a few Olafs at Trunk-or-Treat over the weekend and those little snowmen were adorable! I’d like to see a Sven, though. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…10 Things to Say to the Trick-or-Treaters Dressed as Elsa
This is really funny… I am sharing on my facebook page.. I know about a MILLION little girls who are dressing up as Elsa!
Lauren recently posted…Pumpkin Carving Party!
Amy @ A CUP FULL OF SASS recently posted…Monday Funday Link Party
It will be fun, won’t it! My daughter is so excited to be Elsa. I think it’s fun to have a daughter just the right age while this whole Frozen phenomenon is going on. Happy Halloween!!
Have you heard about the “Frozen” Trick-or-Treating Drinking Game? Every time an Elsa comes to the door you take a drink!
I don’t think we will make it past sunset!!
Maureen recently posted…Sewing Therapy and A New/Used Skirt for Katy
*Of course* there must be an Elsa drinking game!! Hilarious! 🙂
my husband said we are going to make it a drinking game. He gets to take a drink every time an Elsa comes to the door. Hey it’s Friday night. Why not. Lol
Hey, enjoy!! Sounds like a good time. 🙂
Katie @ Pick Any Two recently posted…I’m In So Much Trouble With My Toddler When…
My daughters will be Elsa and Anna. The oldest is 12 and very Elsa-ish. She is very dramatic and tries so hard at everything. The youngest is 11 and very Anna-ish. She sings and dances constantly, loves animals, and is a bit boy crazy.
Aw, very cool that you have 2 daughters and they can go as the “set”! Yes, they do sound a lot like Elsa and Anna.
We have both an Elsa and an Anna going out Friday night. We ALSO have a 5 month old Kristoff joining them, with his favorite stuffed reindeer, Sven, attached! All we’re missing is Olaf– and I think I’ve convinced my husband to wear a hat while we walk around!
Ooo, how sweet! That’ll be a great family picture and a great memory!
I’ve got an Elsa! And and Olaf. I know it’s not terribly original, but that’s what they wanted. I’ll see how many of these responses we hear!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…X Marks the Spot: Geocaching!
If they’re happy, then we’re happy! Last night at Scouts there were 3 Elsas. So what? They all had different outfits and seemed completely happy to be Elsa.
I LOVE seeing the pairs: Annas and Elsas, Elsas and Olafs, etc. So cute!! If only my cat would dress up like Sven…
Hopping on over from Mommy Monday! This list is too cute. I was very surprised to see only 3 Elsa’s and wish I had seen your blog post earlier. Love it! Make it a great day and happy blogging. 🙂
Courtney B @Healthy Mom, Healthy Family recently posted…4 Great Portion Controlled Snack Options
Thanks for coming by! We had cold, snowy weather here for Halloween. Nobody could tell my 7yo was Elsa what with her Winter coat and snowboots on!! She and her big brother had fun, though. Cheers to you for a great day, too!
WAIT!!! I SEE 5K NOW!!! WOOHOO!!!! LOVE the LIST!!!! Cracking UP!!!
Chris Carter recently posted…What is REALLY Behind a Facebook Status Update
Don’t worry about me going Hollywood–I’m back to my normal numbers now! But it was fun and wild to watch it goooo for a week!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…When Lint Attacks
I HAD to read this when I saw the title! Too funny! My niece went as Elsa last year and her sister when as Anna this year! You gotta love Frozen! Great post! 🙂
Sarah @ Sarah’s Bake Studio recently posted…Caramel Candy Corn Pretzel Hugs
I’m glad you stopped by! Frozen is so much fun, as your nieces and you know! 🙂