“What?” all three of you wonder. “No badness in a week?”
Be patient, grasshoppers. There’s always bad momness to share!
Here’s an update on Will. He was recently showing off how to spell a bad word on the calculator. Thankfully, he did not learn this from me. But of course I’m taking a picture of it and posting a blog, so that’s not exactly good parenting, now is it?!
In other Will news, we got a phone call from his teacher last week. After 3 warnings, Will would not stop talking to his friends and consequently we were asked to work with him so that “he could hear the instructions and his classmates could hear the instructions”. That’s such a nice way of saying, “Make your kid shut up in class because it’s driving me crazy!”
Kudos to Chad for making him write an apology letter to his teacher.
Will seems unfazed. He’s either headed to juvie in adolescence or perhaps marching to the beat of his own drum a la Bill Gates. Should be an interesting ride, so stay tuned!
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