I didn’t mean to. Really, I didn’t.
But somehow between Christmas, New Year’s, the kids being out of school, me taking off work to be home to take care of them, and the deep freeze and deep snow that consumed our area, I just didn’t blog for nearly 2 weeks.
So what did I do? Here are some quirky highlights.
* I had a lovely, quiet Christmas. I did get my salami and it was delicious!
* We spent the weekend after Christmas visiting family in Pennsylvania. One of the highlights was playing with their 20-lb black cat, Steve, who had bald forearms. He has a compulsive licking issue so he’s licked his skin bare in some places. But he was the cutest, sweetest 20-lb hairless forearm cat I’ve ever seen.
* I also got my arm humped at a family dinner by an itty bitty white fluffball dog who happened to be a girl. I don’t know what that was all about, since she was a girl dog and I am a grown woman, but it was quite uncomfortable. For me at least.
* My daughter, now 7, impressed me with her ability to play throughout the break. Many of her friends were out of town or unavailable, and her brother only wanted to play hockey, video games, or watch TV. So my daughter created wonderful worlds of play with dolls and toys using her imagination. Unfortunately, though, she named her blue plastic pony “Lover“. She’s been going around the house for over a week calling out “Lover!” It’s awkward, people. Thankfully, Lover will not go to school with her so hopefully she won’t tell her teacher all about Lover.
* I also realized it was time for the children to go back to school when we were visiting the library last Friday. My son, age 10, saw a sign about Beethoven. “Who’s Beeth-Oven?” he asked, pronouncing it like “beef” and “oven”. I just lot it. Had a giggle fit right there in children’s fiction. “Mom! Who’s Beeth-Oven?” More giggling. I kept flashing back to Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure circa 1989.
So those were our family’s random, quirky highlights from the last two weeks. Did you do anything special or fun?
So pretty much, if you had to describe the last two weeks in one word, it would be “awkward”? What with all the humping and a pony named “Lover” and all. Seriously, glad you had a nice holiday!
Justin Knight recently posted…My Son Is My Copilot
Yes, it was an awkward holiday! But still great.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…A Cat, a Dog, a Lover, and Beethoven
My sister had a female dog that humped me several times. I think she was gender confused.
TheBargainBabe recently posted…30 Ways to Encourage New Moms
I’m still scratching my head over that one. She was so small and innocent looking, too.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…A Cat, a Dog, a Lover, and Beethoven
What a HOOT of a time you had!! We were “supposed” to go back to school today- meaning I was “supposed” to get my break to do blog work….
Yeah no. Stupid weather.
So here we are, for the 432nd day home with kids swirling about. YAY! Said no mom ever.
Chris Carter recently posted…Devotional Diary: Building My Fortress of Faith
Sounds like a great break! I didn’t do much blogging either, but it’s good to be back!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Tuesday Ten: My New Year Resolutions
I didn’t do any blogging over my break. I did sneak a peek at some blogs though. I couldn’t help myself! We skied, and my youngest fractured his wrist. Other than that, it was pretty quiet and very nice.
Michelle recently posted…When One Word Just Isn’t Enough…New Year’s Resolutions
Oh no about the fractured wrist! I’m sure that entailed some worrying, some stress, some fear of the unknown, some inconvenience, etc. Sounds like you handled it like a good mom, though. Glad your break was nice.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…I Love My Kids, But…