I’m pleased to be writing a letter to my son’s new Betta fish today. My son received his Betta fish as a birthday present and christened him “Mr. Bubbles”.
Dear Mr. Bubbles,
Welcome – and consider yourself warned. We’ve hosted lots of goldfish in these hallowed halls over the years. Many have come and none have lived. So if you think you’re going to swim around and eat flakes for years to come, then wake up (and stay awake, will ya? I’m tired of dead fish). Here’s what I need from you:
1. Eat and poop at a minimum. This will help your water stay cleaner.
2. Don’t play dead. Because **playing** dead and **being** dead look the same to me.
3. Don’t eat that sea snail the fish lady sold us. He’s there to eat the algae off your tank. He’s also my daughter’s new “pet” since her brother didn’t want to share you.
4. Finally, live, darn it, live.
Help me help you, mmmkay?
Fish Killer
Experienced Bad Mom
Do you have fish? Who changes the water? How long have they lived?
I dread the day my son asks for a fish!!! Even though I haven’t had one since I was young, I just know I’m going to be an accidental fish killer too!
katie @ pick any two recently posted…When the Popular Kid Gets Bullied
It’s really a lot harder than it should be to keep that water clean and keep those suckers alive!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…A Letter to My Son’s Betta Fish
Oh, a fish is a hard pet to have! I hope your newest one lives, and then lives some more. And then keeps living. We tried fish two times. Two very sad, unsuccessful times. Did I mention I hope you fish lives?
Ariel recently posted…Longreads’ Best of WordPress, Vol. 2
Thanks for your good wishes! Years ago we tried 1,2,3 … heck I think 5 or 6 fish before I said never again! {Ahem}
Positive thoughts. My sister picked up two gold fish at her kids’ school fair as a bit of a lark. Brought them home and dumped them in a glass bowl. They grew. Larger, proper tank required. They lived a good five years. My advice is to ignore it. Feed it haphazardly. Worked for her! Oh may it live long and prosper!
Kelly L Mckenzie recently posted…We Need Dish Soap
I like it. I’ve been ignoring the frog in my daughter’s room for a year and a half and after he seems to be doing swimmingly!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…A Letter to My Son’s Betta Fish
You could always try a shark. It would at least reverse the roles… just a thought, miss fish killer, you!
My wife did a little dance when our son’s betta finally bit the dust. My son was “crushed” for a grand total of 4.5 minutes before resuming his video game. He never brought it up again.
Justin Knight recently posted…10 Things You Should Know About The Missus
As Napoleon Dynamite would say, “LUCKY!”
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…A Letter to My Son’s Betta Fish
Oh, may the force be with you (and Mr. Bubbles).
We are VERY hard on Beta fish. My daughter had one that drowned. (How does a fish drown, you might ask? It gets trapped in the fairy castle in its tank and can’t move, thus rendering it unable to oxygenate.) Another got a tumor of some sort. That was a hideous biology lesson if ever there was one. We’ve also killed a variety of hermit crabs over the years. If it doesn’t have fur, it doesn’t tend to last long at our house.
Long live Mr. Bubbles!! –Lisa
The Dose of Reality recently posted…Would You Rather: Wedding Food Poisoning Or Honeymoon Food Poisoning?
At times like this, it’s good to know I’m not alone! 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…A Letter to My Son’s Betta Fish