I want a salami for Christmas.
(And, NO, not THAT kind of salami.)
I saw this salami in the Williams Sonoma catalog and I thought, “Yes! Classic. Tasty. Sophisticated.”
So I have asked my husband to get me the salami for Christmas.
Now let me give you a little back story. My husband and I generally do not exchange gifts. We fill each other’s stockings with little items, like candy or funny bumper stickers, but we don’t shower each other with sweaters and wallets and the like.
And if there is something I DO want for Christmas, it often takes too much effort to ask him. For instance, I want a new bedspread or duvet cover. But do I want him to pick it out? No. And if I was to pick it out, then I’d have to think about our bedroom colors and what sheets we already have that might go with it, etc. Too much effort at Christmas.
But a salami? Looks yummy. With the fancy olives and cheese? Yes, please. This salami platter is something I would NEVER buy myself. And I don’t have to cook it to enjoy it either. And the kids won’t touch it with a ten foot pole so the salami is mine!
So I hope that this Christmas I will be sitting on my couch amidst a pile of wrapping paper I have to clean up, ignoring the Christmas dinner I have to eventually cook, enjoying the 20 minutes when the kids are actually playing with the new toys it took 3 months to organize, drinking a glass of wine and enjoying my salami.
Dear readers, what do you want for Christmas?
Photo courtesy of Williams Sonoma. And no, I’m not an affiliate for Williams Sonoma. Somebody sent me something from there once so I just get the catalogs. And maybe the salami this year.
Missy Homemaker says
I have to admit, that salami looks pretty good. I don’t really want anything for Christmas this year. Now if a new house or even a gift card to Amazon was to magically appear, I wouldn’t be upset 😉
Missy Homemaker recently posted…Mothering Boys: Sometimes I don’t look.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
Fingers crossed for a new house and/or Amazon gift card! I’ll be wishing you a Merry Christmas while I eat my salami.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…All I Want For Christmas is…
meeshie says
I want a Tula baby carrier. I am convinced that this will make my world a better place. My husband is convinced that 150 bucks for a baby carrier is insane and that I really need to stop reading crap off of facebook.
meeshie recently posted…School – Revisited
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
Hee hee! You made me laugh. Good luck! How come baby carriers are so expensive? And I think I tried 4 different kinds before I realized none of them were the bee’s knees for me. And by that time my kids could fit in their strollers. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…All I Want For Christmas is…
Rhonda says
That salami looks great! Who wouldn’t love that under the tree? I’m hoping Santa brings me a new computer.
Rhonda recently posted…Homeschool Fail
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
I hope Santa brings you that new computer!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…All I Want For Christmas is…
Amber says
Okay, now I want some of that salami. It looks tasty!
I got some sausage from Hickory Farms that was pretty good.
Amber recently posted…Hey, It’s Okay Tuesday!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
Ooo, is it that summer sausage that comes with crackers and cheese? That stuff IS good! Now I’m hungry. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…All I Want For Christmas is…
Michelle says
I love getting gourmet food! What I really want is a washing machine that has a 15 min speed wash for all those times when the kids tell me at 11 at night that they need a sports uniform for school in the morning or better yet, telling me in the morning! I know I am dreaming, but that’s what I really want.
Michelle recently posted…Sports Mom Holiday Gift Guide
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
That washing machine idea is brilliant! I have no idea why in this day and age someone hasn’t been able to make that a reality. Hello! Anyone? Bueller?
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…All I Want For Christmas is…
Lynn Kellan says
Heck, if you get the salami, you’re Xmas dinner is already halfway prepared! Just add cheese, crackers, and wine…voila!
Lynn Kellan recently posted…Santa punched my husband
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
You’re right. Genius. Now all that’s left is to ask Santa for a Honey-baked ham and I’ll be all set this year.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…All I Want For Christmas is…
Justin Knight says
I only wish the Missus had “salami” on her wish list. Oh, wait. You said it came from Williams-Sonoma. Darn.
Justin Knight recently posted…The Truly Healthy Family Cookbook By Tina Ruggiero
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
Men. My husband has been making salami jokes (not the Williams Sonoma kind) all week!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…All I Want For Christmas is…
Rabia @TheLiebers says
I hear you! Asking for presents is sometimes just too much work!!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Ask Me Anything Wednesday!
Chris Carter says
Hubs and I don’t do big gifts for each other either…. not necessary- and we don’t have extra funding for that! It’s all about the kids really… but he will definitely get me ‘something’ thoughtful. That’s enough for me. Salami would be a great idea! 🙂
Chris Carter recently posted…My Favorite Christmas Gifts To Give
Lou Lou says
Oh it does look super tasty, I hope he gets his act together and gets that baby for you. I love the W-S catalogues! They always look so nice and beautifully put together. As we are lugging it up to the north I hope that whatever TSH gets me will be light-weight! Like diamonds or something, that would be easy enough to carry back with us 🙂
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