The picture above was taken last week. It shows 6 days worth of 2nd grade paperwork sent home with my son. I know that teachers’ jobs are hard, but do they have to make my job as a parent so much harder, too?
These papers are all instructions to the parents about the book reports, word sorts, writer’s collages, and reading that Will has to do this month.
My personal favorite (hah!) is the book report paperwork. One page describes how they are doing book reports each month. Page 2 details the “crafter’s delight” box of materials I’m supposed to produce so my son can make fabulous book reports. Page 3 is not even the book report itself. Nope, it’s more explanation about this month’s particular book report (they’re making a puppet) and a slip I’m supposed to fill out acknowledging receipt of all this book report paperwork and awareness of the due date. (Because I’m a bad mom, I don’t know when I’m supposed to send this slip in. Probably now. Oh well). Page 4 (finally) is the book report itself that Will has to write. Page 5 is the parents’ grade sheet of the child’s effort in doing the book report that has to be turned in (I’m not kidding. I wish I was!)
There isn’t even any math homework yet! I’m expecting algebra at this point.
If I wasn’t a Bad Mom before, 2nd grade would definitely make me one!
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