If there’s one thing we’re crazy about in our family, it’s cats.
(Okay, my husband would wholeheartedly disagree!)
But my kids and I LOVE our cat, who’s sweet, soft and in his twilight years (he’s 17).
We love him so much we took him to meet the Easter Bunny this year:
We love him so much we have been known to squeeze the bejeesus out of him:
And we love him so much we have dressed him up in princess pajamas:
Not only do we think our cat is fabulous, but we recognize that there are other awesome and/or adorable cats in the world. Our family LOVES the kitty who saved her little boy from the mean dog:
We also LOVE this cat who gives the best hugs ever:
We follow several cats on Instagram, like the handsome @ItstheTony and those Scottish felines over at @Gracemcdermottt. Just search #catsofinstagram and you’ll get a whole slew of lovable furballs to follow. (In fact, I’m thinking of changing my blog’s Instagram account to Experienced Bad CATS, cuz cats get way more love on Instagram than mommy blogs!)
To be fair, we know dogs are awesome, too. But our experience as a family has been with our fabulous cat. What is your favorite pet? Any cool or cute critters on Instagram that you recommend I should follow? And, do you have a tween that walks around saying, “You’ve Cat to be Kitten Meow!”
I’m cracking up at the title of this post, because we borrow this phrase all the time….”As for me and my house, we…” and then fill in the blank with whatever we want. Now that it’s the last week of school, we’re using it motivationally: “As for me and my house, we wil be on time for school this week!”
Ha! Yes, I like this phrase, too. Good luck being on time just. one. more. week. You can do it!
I LOVE that video of the cat saving the boy! And your cat is absolutely ADORABLE, especially in the jammies. We are cat people, too and will most likely be getting another kitty later this summer! :)-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted…Would You Rather: Plan It All Or Be Surprised?
Ooo, another cat for the Dose Girls! There has to be good material coming out of that!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…As for Me and My House, We Like Cats
We are total cat lovers over here! My one cat is HUGE and my toddler rides him like a horse. No joke!
katie @ pick any two recently posted…6 Things I’ll Be Telling My Husband This Father’s Day
MUST. SEE. PICTURE!!! Seriously, I’d love to see that! Put it on Instagram and tag #catsofinstagram. It’ll get all the kitties of the world to <3 your pic.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…As for Me and My House, We Like Cats
Holy Jumpin’ Catfish! That video of the dog attacking the bike is quite something! Did you notice too that “mom” ran inside before her little one? Wow. What a great cat.
AND I have to say I love your family pics and the accompanying comments. You are the only non relative I’ve heard say “bejeesus!” Great word, no?
As for pets – have never had a cat so I have to get my hugs of them through those of family and friends. Currently we have a rabbit who lives mostly inside and a dog who thinks she’s human.
May your princess pyjamas cat live many, many more healthy years!
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…The Original Wedding Crasher
Thank you for the well wishes for kitty’s longevity! I really hope I don’t have to go all Pet Semetary on him some day and artificially keep him alive. He and my son share a really special bond.
So happy to have bonded over “Bejeesus”!
SO cute!!!! I can’t believe you took your cat to see the Easter bunny!!! Now THAT would have been hilarious if I was say, some random person in line behind you!
LOVE that cat who kicked that dog’s ARS and saved the little cutie! I saw that on the news- amazing!! Loved your pics too. TOO fun!
Chris Carter recently posted…Our Beautiful Thing
Thanks, Chris!! The EB visit was in a pet store, so everyone in line was as equally as crazy as we were! Still it was fun. 🙂
Okay, that cat giving the big hug is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen. I’m allergic to cats, so we can’t have one, but I like them anyway. I think it is adorable that you took your cat to see the Easter bunny:)
Seana turner recently posted…The Comparison Trap
Thanks for dropping by and commenting, Seana! I love that kitty hug video, too. So sweet and funny.
The more cats the merrier. Especially the mellow ones that let you dress them up and stick them in the stroller. Hello from Turn It Up Tuesday.
Melissa French, The More With Less Mom recently posted…Father’s Day the Offbeat Way – DIYs & Crafts on HousePunkery (Guest Post)
Hello back! Thanks for coming by. Love the kitties that can handle the stroller!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Five Life Lessons I Learned From My Dad
This is funny! I have to admit, I enjoy some great cat videos and memes!
Echo recently posted…Almost Wordless Wednesday!
There are some AWESOME cat videos and memes out there! Thanks for commenting.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Five Life Lessons I Learned From My Dad
That cat that chased off the dog rocks! We love our cats too. We have 4 of them. They all have such different personalities. We love our dogs too. If I had to choose, I’d say I’m a dog person, but I’m really both. I can’t go to sleep at night if Oreo isn’t with me. Her purr is soothing.
Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life recently posted…Women Entrepreneurs: Are You Ready to Launch a New Business?
I love seeing your cats on Instagram, Michelle! I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled for more pics of the family dogs.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Five Life Lessons I Learned From My Dad
Your cat sounds absolutely wonderful! I adore Cats, have 4 indoor & have 9 TNR cats (no longer feral- have tamed them except for one!). Of course I also have dogs, Koi & a parrot~ one big happy family.
Will have to check out the instagram cats…
Limeade Gal recently posted…Vintage Cat
Ah, thanks for telling me about your wonderful pet family! I love animals and would have more except my big animal (husband) is happy as can be with just one cat. 🙂