I found Will like this the other day:
I’m so proud.
I mean, that’s a bag of PRETZELS splayed all over the floor, people. It’s not potato chips or something with (gasp) trans fat.
Kidding aside, could this picture scream any louder “Hi, my name is Will and I’m being raised by a bad mom who lets me play video games so much that this is what happens”?
We don’t start school around our neighborhood until after Labor Day, but I’ll be glad when he stops hitting the DSi buttons and starts hitting the books!
When do your kids go back to school?
Linky up with Adrienne at The Mommy Mess for her Back to School bash.
P.S. A big congratulations to Angie L., the winner of last week’s Happy Doodles giveaway!
Am I a bad mom is we ARE back in school and you could find my kids looking like this today? LOL Love the pretzels!
Adrienne recently posted…The #BTSBash Blog Event Has Begun!!
You know of course that I don’t consider any of us bad moms…just REAL moms! I bet there are kids like this all over America today! 🙂
P.S. Rold Gold Pretzels are the best
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Back to School? Yes, please!
Came over from the BTSBash linky!
My girls started last week… and I was so ready for them to go back! Mostly just because it gets us back into a schedule… we were soooo lazy over the summer.
Shannon recently posted…Friday Favorites #7
Perhaps all the blood rushing to his head gives his brain tremendous reserves of oxygen and increased thinking and reacting abilities! 🙂
Kim recently posted…Overwhelmed? 6 Steps to more peace-of-mind
Yay, yay…that’s it!
Too funny. Oddly enough I think my husband has similar video game tendencies. Too bad I can’t send him back to school 😉
Ha! Thanks for dropping by and enjoy your SITS day!
If you rotate your son say about, oh 60 degrees clockwise, that would be how my son plays DS. There’s something about anchoring his head against a pillow or couch, but he’s usually facing downward. Yes, they must catch more Pokemon that way. Enjoy what’s left of your summer, and Happy Back-to-School! (Came from TMM link.?
Sandra recently posted…Dear Back-to-School
Glad we’re not alone! Thanks for dropping by.
Love the picture!!
Here’s what makes me a particularly suspect mom: my 6th grader has been at her dad’s for most of the summer and my college kid went back to school a week ago after being with me all summer, SO I’ve had the last week and a half all to my lonesome.
Guilty pleasure, indeed.
On Friday, the 6th grader comes home and on Monday, school starts, bringing with it all the crazies of having someone to take care of besides just little ol’ me. Heck, I hardly even fix a meal when no one else is home!
It’s been blissfully dull around here. But now, back to our regularly scheduled circus. 😉
Your back-to-school list was brilliant, by the way! Holding on to that one for future reference (and laughs).
That doesn’t look crazy to me at all 🙂 My kids were being terrible and lazy by the end of this summer (or really…at the beginning). We were so glad to send them back yesterday!
Katie E recently posted…Five Tools for Getting Organized for Back to School