I am filling out a hospital admission form right now.
Oh, no! I can hear you crying. What’s wrong? Who’s hurt? Poor EBM!
Don’t panic.
I’m filling out a hospital admission form for a DOLL.
That’s right, I’m sending Bitty Baby to the American Girl Doll Hospital. She needs a new body (torso and limbs) for $19.00, plus $6.95 shipping and handling.
I can’t believe it either.
After forking over $50 for Bitty Baby a couple years back, her little leg has come un-stitched. When I inquired about how to stitch the leg back on, I was informed by the American Girl monopoly company that leg stitching is not feasible. They will need to replace the torso and limbs.
I’m frightened. Truly frightened.
Not that Bitty Baby broke, but that Bitty Baby is a gateway drug that I willingly gave to my daughter. You see, all of this Bitty Baby love is what led to my daughter’s fascination with American Girl dolls, which led me to fork over $100 for a doll she named “Sparkle” last December plus the world’s most painful hunt for an ice skating outfit that a few of you around here may remember.
And here I am getting ready to send Bitty Baby in a box with a check to the doll hospital to get fixed.
What’s next? Bitty Baby checks into rehab in a couple years for her addiction to huffing smelly markers? Thing is, I would probably download the proper form and send Bitty Baby to rehab just to make my daughter happy.
What thing do you do for the love of your kids or grandkids that makes you certifiably insane in the eyes of the world?!
I went into American Girl the other day for the first time. I was like whoa…and I hate dolls.
The Mommy Psychologist recently posted…It’s Okay Not To Have More Children
You know, you could let Gus have a doll (any doll) and just let him get all his sibling-longing out that way!
Bitty Baby Private Hospital, I’ve never heard of that. I’m actually glad to hear they exist, I cannot even darn a damn sock so open surgery would have been totally out of my skill set… God Speed.
Lou Lou recently posted…The most dangerous place in Sweden
I’ll pass on your well-wishes to Bitty.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Bitty Baby: The American Girl Gateway Drug
Oh wow, so this is what I have to look forward to with my daughter?! And here I was all excited, after having 2 little boys, to finally be able to do the girly things . . .
Baby M is only 6 months old now, but I may be contacting you in the future!
Erin recently posted…DIY Laundry Detergent
I’m pretty sure American Girl will find out you have a daughter somehow and start sending you their catalog by the time she’s 2! 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Bitty Baby: The American Girl Gateway Drug
Hahahah, you’re a good mom, with a generous wallet. Kidding, I do the same odd things, like stay up an hour after the kids have gone to bed loooking for all the Cars characters, or finding a way to glue Thomas the Train back together. Actually, if I could just slip some of these broken toys in your box to the Toy Hospital that would be great
Not Winning Mom of the Year recently posted…Missing
The box shipped before I read your comment! Maybe all your toys can hitch a ride on the next box out. 🙂
Katy recently posted…My Daughter the Lab Rat
Oh no! This is hilarious. They know how to get us, don’t they?
Adrienne recently posted…I know you’re still here.
So funny! Sad thing is, the “regular” AG dolls seem to all have a condition where their skeletons ‘give way’ at the age of about 8. My 15-year-olds’ are now unable to stand or even hardly sit without collapsing. The cynical part of me wonders if AG designs them this way on purpose to generate more business.
I bet AG DOES design ’em that way! They are masterminds, much like the Disney people, when it comes to making money. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂