Last week my family was living it up on Michigan’s west coast. We swam in Lake Michigan, went horse back riding, kayaking, and had a blast on a sand dune ride.
We also stepped out to a local fish boil. What’s a fish boil? you ask. Picture a whole town sitting around eating huge chunks of salmon boiled by a half dozen Great Lakes fisherman. And they served potatoes, onions, and butter as side dishes. Mmm!
My husband took the following picture of me and my son at the fish boil, unbeknownst to me. (So flattering, honey, thanks!) As you can tell, I’m chatting with a local. He seems really thrilled to be talking to be, no?
I thought it would be fun if YOU provide a caption for this picture. Please leave your best work in the comments below. I’ll pick the caption that makes me laugh the hardest and announce the winner on Facebook and Twitter.
So what are you waiting for? Let me have it!
I think the local is thinking “Hey! Where’s MY plate?”
I’ll smile and pretend this is good!
Tammy Doiel recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: Beach Fun
I LOVE fish boils!
My first thought was, “Tell this child to quit touching me.” lol
Knowing it’s your son makes it kind of not nice, but funny!
Melisa recently posted…Underdog WonderBlog Wednesday: From the Burbs to the Boonies
Yes, knowing it’s my son who has personal space issues makes it funny!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…When the Poop Hits the Concrete (Pure Michigan Vacation Part III)
She’s talking to me but I’m wondering, where’s my food?
Growing Up Madison recently posted…Almost Wordless Wednesday
Your son seems to be thinking, “This is some really juicy gossip I’m overhearing!”
Shawn recently posted…The Sketchbook Challenge
Local:” I wonder who the guest on leno is going to be…..Oh wait, yeah, I’m supposed to be listening.”
Andrea @the Distracted recently posted…Taking Laundry Day for a Test Drive.
Just so you know I don’t mean you’re boring, in fact I love your blog and I would listen to you talk all day. Its just that he seems to be drifting from the conversation.
Andrea @the Distracted recently posted…Taking Laundry Day for a Test Drive.
It’s all good!! I totally get what you’re saying–it’s one of the reasons I thought the picture was funny because he looks like a sweet old man who is *trying* to listen to me. Poor guy!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…When the Poop Hits the Concrete (Pure Michigan Vacation Part III)
Think I can sneak mom’s potato while she’s talking? Let’s see. 🙂
Stephanie recently posted…Easy marinated cucumbers
Is he gone? Is he gone yet? This has been a really long summer.