It’s the holiday season and there are a lot of Christmas things I don’t get.
For instance, I don’t get the song, “I want a hippopotamus for Christmas”. Really? Who wants a hippopotamus for Christmas? Is there some hidden meaning to the lyrics? And why does the singer sound as if a hippopotamus sat on her throat?
There are other Christmas things I don’t get, too. Thus, I’m sharing my list below for a laugh and possibly commiseration. It’s the holiday edition of the original things I don’t get shared last summer. You’re welcome and all that.
Nope. I don’t like the way it tastes. It’s loaded with calories, too. So, to me it’s like if broccoli had 1,000 calories per serving.
Fruit cake
It’s neither fruit nor cake. It’s like days-old bread. I guess before the days of CVS and chocolate bars, you had to use up your leftovers in bread that you gifted to your friends and neighbors. Yikes.
Perfume commercials
“Let’s put a famous actress in a ballgown surrounded by a helicopter, tiki torches, and clowns dancing in Jello. That’ll sell millions of bottles, yeah.”
Luxury car commercials
Okay, okay, maybe I’m just jealous. I know I’ll never walk into my driveway to find a Lexus underneath a big red bow. Maybe I’ll get a Ford Fiesta in my stocking one year.
Dollar store tape
I learned the hard way wrapping Christmas presents that this stuff doesn’t work. It sticks okay, but I’ve scraped all of my knuckles off and instigated carpal tunnel syndrome just trying to tear it.
8,000 movies in December
There are at least 4 movies I want to see this December and I’ll probably have time to see one. Hey, movie companies, I’d love to see a movie in January, February or March. Can you please release some good ones then instead of all at once in December?
There you have it, Christmas things I don’t get. What about you? What holiday happenings or items make you scratch your head in bewilderment?
Have to say I don’t agree with the eggnog (Advocaat) and fruit cake entries…I LOVE them both. Anytime I do anything connected with Christmas I have a glass of Advocaat in my hand: swapping family cards, decorating the tree, wrapping the presents, the list is endless lol! I make my own Christmas cake so naturally it’s moist and juicy – down to the half bottle of brandy I soak the fruit in before making it! I agree with the rest. Merry Christmas!
Midlife Dramas in pyjamas recently posted…Midlife Elf – Day 18
I will give you a pass on the fruitcake and eggnog because I think those are British things and I think you are British. So, it works!
Katy recently posted…Christmas Things I Don’t Get
Just as pineapple doesn’t belong on pizza, fruit doesn’t belong on cake. I don’t get it either. Are there people who actually like that stuff? And I think the Hippo represents the ridiculous/hard-to-find things our kids ask for for Christmas 🙂
Eric recently posted…The Daily Elf: December 17th
Eric you are so wise. I’m sure if I listened to all the lyrics that I would figure out the deep meaning of the hippopotamus song. But I can’t. It’s like nails on chalkboard!
Katy recently posted…Christmas Things I Don’t Get
Ok I have to say that I am on the side of yes for eggnog and fruitcake. However, as both pack a wallop in terms of calories, I’m only enjoying them in very small doses this year. At least that’s the game plan. As for movies? YES! What is with the 47,000 that flood my screen in December? I’ve got 4 or 5 that I must watch and that’s it. I’d be delighted to see others though. They must be quality and original and have quirky characters. Most of the ones that are churned out have syrupy sweet characters and a dull, repetitive theme. No thank you. And no thank you to Dollar Store Tape! With you on the Hippo front and would suggest a kibosh on “Grandma got run over by a reindeer …”
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…An Earlier Than Expected Christmas Miracle
My mom complains about the perfume commercials all the time! They make no sense!
I’ve never had eggnog, but I’ve had no inclination to try it. Yuck.
I tried the Christmas pudding once and I hated it. I wonder if anybody does like it ?.
I so agree with you on all of these things. I love your post. Thank you for making me laugh. I don’t think I will ever try fruit cake.
Natalie A recently posted…No-Bake Easy-To-Make Peppermint Ice Cream Oreo Crust Pie Recipe
I know right?! Yes this is a great list!!! Since we don’t have cable anymore I haven’t seen a perfume commercial in ages. Sounds like I am not missing anything 🙂
Oh man, yes, that dollar store tape sucks!
We only watched like 5 movies in December I think? I don’t have time for a whole bunch either.