Have you ever noticed that they add new words to the dictionary every year? And they announce it, like we all care?
Last year, for instance, they added “escape room” to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Well, 2020 is the year of the coronavirus and I’m pissed, basically, about how many words and phrases are now part of daily life because of the stupid pandemic.

I mean, check out how many coronavirus words and phrases are now part of our vernacular that you didn’t even know existed back in 2019:
Social distancing
Flatten the curve
Slow the spread
In an abundance of caution
Community spread
Shelter in Place
Stay at home
Unprecedented times
Uncertain times
N95 mask
Paycheck Protection Program
Distance learning
…and so on.
See? Aren’t all of those awful?
Maybe I wish we were just adding “escape room” after all.
What did I forget? Which one of the coronavirus pandemic phrases are you sick of hearing the most?
Stay safe, dear readers.
I’m with ya. Enough. I might add “sourdough starter” to the mix …
Thank you for that laugh!
*writes down “sourdough starter”*
Katy recently posted…Coronavirus Words and Phrases I Don’t Want Added to the Dictionary in 2020