“SUCK IT!” the mom screamed at the baseball team sitting beside her in the bleachers.
The baseball team of 9-year-olds.
It’s true. A seemingly normal looking, average mom yelled “SUCK IT” at a bunch of kids. This was reported to me by my husband, who took our own 9-year-old to a baseball game Saturday night. My son’s team and the team he was to play were watching the game before theirs. It was a tournament, and the team my son was about to play was rooting for one of the teams on the field so that their own chance of advancing in the tournament was greater.
Well, I guess a mom from the team that wasn’t being cheered for took offense. And so when her team scored a run, she turned to 9-year-olds waiting in the bleachers beside her and told them to suck it.
My husband says the mom told the 9-year-old boys to suck it not once, but TWICE.
The only saving grace is that the coach of the team who can claim the crazy mom came over and apologized for the outburst. He assured everyone that the mom was asked to leave the tournament.
It’s crazy out there, folks. Take care of each other!
And please don’t tell my 9-year-old, or any 9-year-old, to suck it!
What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen or heard at a youth sporting event?
oh my gosh! She should’ve been thrown out!
TheBargainBabe recently posted…Bye Bye Google Friend Connect
I have yet to experience anything like that but I’ve sure heard the stories. Some people just take kid sports a little too seriously. It’s not about you, it’s about the kids. Visiting from our blog group but already following on Twitter. 🙂
Madison recently posted…The Liebster Award
Thanks for commenting, Madison!
Katy recently posted…Crazy Sports Parents
Good grief!! I feel bad when I accidentally say “crap” in front of someone else’s kid!! (Mine are a different story!) What is wrong with people?!?!
Rabia @ TheLiebers recently posted…Disney, Part 2: The Outtakes
Rabia, I love it that you said “Good grief”. Can I sit next to you at the baseball games?
Katy recently posted…Crazy Sports Parents
I’m glad the coach took note of this and asked her to leave! Sometimes we wonder how bullies are created! Maybe the answer lies in the attitude of the adults!
Roshni recently posted…Play times can teach life’s lessons
That is the only silver lining – that the coach recognized a problem and handled it well.
Katy recently posted…Crazy Sports Parents
This is so sad! 🙁 What a bad example she’s setting for all those children. I’m thankful for people and coaches who are still willing to stand up for what’s right.
Michelle recently posted…Photo Organization
Holy cow- did any other parents say anything to her?
Kate recently posted…Shouldn’t love be easy?
I got the story second-hand from my husband, so I’m not sure how the other parents responded – besides with disbelief, I’m sure!
Katy recently posted…Crazy Sports Parents
This year I watched another girl hit my daughter in the back twice. And her parents were upset and yelling on the sidelines about the fact that she got a red card. There is all sorts of horrible behavior on the sidelines…and we wonder why we see horrible behavior on the field. Guess where the kids learn it?
Michelle recently posted…Buffalo Chicken Dip with Texas Pete’s Buffalo Wing Sauce
They totally learn it from their parents, and also, sadly, from coaches who can take it WAY too seriously. You have a nice group of posts about sportsmanship/youth sports on your site. Readers, go check out adishofdailylife.com!
Katy recently posted…Crazy Sports Parents
Thank you for the shout out! I love watching my kids play and writing about sports. But it makes me sad when I see bad sportsmanship…parents and coaches who behave badly aren’t doing their kids any favors…
Michelle recently posted…Buffalo Chicken Dip with Texas Pete’s Buffalo Wing Sauce
I always love watching our son play sports, but I dread being a spectator. There are always a few that ruin it for the kids (and the rest of us). So sad.
Terra recently posted…Stamping our Summer Passport
So true. A few can ruin the experience for many. I’m a little nervous as my son grows older and perhaps the competition/craziness gets more heated!
Katy recently posted…Crazy Sports Parents
At my 7-year-old’s soccer game this spring, the coaches on the other team yelled so loud our pastor who was watching his older son’s game on the next field could hear them! They yelled and directed the kindergarteners and 1st graders on their team like it was the Super Bowl! It was crazy! And their team did win. We saw one of the coaches and his kid at Wendy’s after the game and sat by them, and my very outgoing son said, “Wow, you guys yelled REALLY loud,” which made the guy laugh.
Stephanie recently posted…Marriage: Be a team in all you do
Oh, I find myself saying, “WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE, ” all the time. It’s amazing the way people behave. UGH. –Lisa
The Dose of Reality recently posted…No Pressure Or Anything But You Have A Minute To Win It!
Oh my…Parents get to into these games! there for the children!
Nicole Copeland recently posted…Cooking with Creepers Kids Cookbook Giveaway 7/9
Oh no! That is bad how parents behave at sporting events. They act worse then kids!
Tess recently posted…Adventure with the kids in the garden. (Guest post)
OH MY GOSH!!! I have heard some pretty bad stories… and I will never ever understand the pathetic immaturity and offensive outbursts that come from PARENTS. It is sickening…
Chris Carter recently posted…Collective Blog Hop!
Oh this all awaits in my future ….
Right now I’m picturing a crowd of Aussies yelling “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oy Oy Oy!”