I enjoy watching ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars” with Sydney, age 5. Call me girly, but my daughter and I bond over the sequins and frilly dresses.
On Monday’s show, several of the women were wearing skimpy costumes, including dancer Peta Murgatroyd. I decided to use the skimpy costume as a teaching moment.
“That dress is NOT for little girls or even teenagers,” I said. “Only big girls can wear a dress like that.”
“Oh,” Sydney replied thoughtfully.
Yay! I thought. She gets it.
“You mean young big girls,” Sydney clarified. “You’re too old.”
Then I laughed, and she laughed.
I just hope she doesn’t wear a get-up like that to prom.
What have your kids said lately that put you in your place?
photo credit: ABC
Ashley L says
What haven’t they said? This ongoing argument about brushing teeth is getting really old! “I want my teeth to fall out!” or “I don’t think you should… [insert a correction to whatever I’m doing]!” Stinkin’ toddlers going on teenagers.
I recently read a blog that talks about the importance of modesty. The author (She) basically said that her rule of thumb is to dress how she would want other women to dress in front of her husband. I thought that was a good way to look at it. Those men being so sensitive to visuals and all… sheesh! Sometimes I think men should just walk around blindfolded and it would solve a lot of problems. 😉
Lynden says
Oh, Katie!! Again I Chuckle out loud! ;-} Out of the mouths of babes! I can hardly believe how lax things will be by the time Your kids are a bit older – Crazy world this – and getting crazier – Hard to believe Our parents were bemaoning Those Times when These are so much more open and lax…!! Hang in there, Young Big Girl! ;-}
Lynden recently posted…In the Spring…
Lou Lou says
LOL! My daughter can’t talk yet, maybe we should keep it that way?
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The Mommy Psychologist says
This should be filed under “kids say the darndest things!”
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just keep swimming says
I spent an entire weekend cleaning our disaster of an office. 2 days later my 7 yo walks in, looks around, and says “Mom. This place isn’t such a pig sty anymore. Good job!” Umm, thanks!?!
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Katy says
Awesome. Thank you, son?!