The pile swarms in front of my eyes. Twisted, tangled socks taunt me. So do pants with no knees. It’s laundry day for my 10-year-old. And here’s what I think:
1. How many times have I told him to turn his socks right side out?
2. How many socks can one ten-year-old wear anyway?
3. Does he have ANY pants with the knees still intact?
4. Which one of these pairs of pants is the one that’s too short? I need to pull them out for the donation pile.
5. What’s that? Blood! What happened? Oh, it’s ketchup.
6. Why are there pen marks all over this sweatshirt? Who draws on his sweatshirt?
7. I’m washing every pair of sweats he owns. But what happened to all those jeans I bought him? Why does he hate the “feel” of jeans and refuse to wear them?
8. Ooo! A five dollar bill! Finders keepers!
9. This laundry hamper is bottomless. The clothes just keep going and going.
10. How many years left do I have to teach him how to do laundry before he goes to college?
Can you relate? Or do you have deeper thoughts when washing your kids’ clothes?
TheBargainBabe says
Finders keepers for sure! I’m confused by the fact that your 10 yr old has so many socks…my 10 yr old seems to go through them as though they are disposable.
TheBargainBabe recently posted…22 Snacks for the Letter “L”
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
You just caught me on a good month sock-wise. We recently stocked up!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Deep Thoughts About My Son’s Laundry
Growing Up Madison says
haha I can totally relate. My son just turned 13 and he has been doing his laundry for a couple of months now. Which makes me one very happy mommy but my 9yr old is still the same. 🙂
Growing Up Madison recently posted…Citrus Lane November 2013 Toddler Box #Review
Missy Homemaker says
Part of our family economy is that Jeremy has to do the laundry. Ha! I totally get out of it.
Missy Homemaker recently posted…Thankful Thursday: Being a SAHM
Rhonda says
Finders keepers! My motto too! Clean clothes always find their way into our never ending laundy pile too!
Rhonda recently posted…Rewarding Bad Grades: Something Parents Should Consider
Katy says
Yes about the clean clothes! Or a sweatshirt he wore for 20 minutes before bed because he was cold. Yea, that makes it dirty.
Laura says
A 10 year old goes through lots and lots of socks! And somehow, they always end up on the living room floor… And there’s also a good chance that none of their pants have knees left. I know Lena’s don’t!
Laura recently posted…I Could Never Be Amish!
Stephanie @ From the Burbs to the Boonies says
Oh my gosh, every time my kiddo wears a new pair of pants he comes home with a hole somewhere, always different places. Sigh. And his socks all have holes and he wore the heel of his boots! He tells me he plays soccer 3 times a day so maybe that’s why. And in the winter, I have to wash WAY more, the laundry basket really fills up fast! Amazing how much thought can go into this simple thing 🙂
Stephanie @ From the Burbs to the Boonies recently posted…5 blogs with interesting 31-day series
Rabia @TheLiebers says
My recent laundry question is: Why are all these damn beans in the washing machine and dryer!?!?! Turns out my first grade son has been smuggling beans home in his pocket from his math lessons at school…
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Under the Black Light
Katy says
Beans! Priceless. That’s a sweet if loud & rattling memory.
Michelle says
My boys hate jeans too. I don’t understand it. My daughter does her own laundry but my 16 year old son pretends to not know how…then he told me the other day, it’s not that he doesn’t know how, it’s more that he just doesn’t want to. Don’t even get me going. Thankfully he doesn’t generate a ton of laundry, because he has to wear a jacket to school (private school) and his sports stuff gets washed by the school (I like that!).
Michelle recently posted…Giving Thanks {Ladies Only Blog Share}
Katy says
I was talking to my husband’s aunt this weekend. She said her teenage son did his own laundry since age 13, but wouldn’t do his laundry until he had absolutely nothing left to wear. Ha!
Janet says
So, so true! My favorite part of the laundry is the twisted, half inside out jeans with the underwear tangled around the legs! And the inside out socks stuffed in the couch cushions. I suppose these are the things we will miss someday?
Katy says
I think we will miss them someday, Janet. 🙂
Jill @ Called To Be A Mom says
Hopefully he can learn soon! Does 11 work? I sure hope so for your sake. I have toddlers,so it will be a while.
Jill @ Called To Be A Mom recently posted…The Real Truth About The Boring Husband
Chris Carter says
I have a TON of hand me down jeans that my son will NOT wear because of the exact same thing!!! He HATES the feel of them. It’s all about sport pants and sweat pants. That I HAVE to buy no less…
I am thinking the very same deep thoughts my friend. Every stinkin’ day…
Shall we talk about my daughter too? Oy.
Chris Carter recently posted…And Another Thing…(About My Tumor)
Katy says
You should see Carrie’s comments about her daughter’s laundry. We’re in trouble, Chris, trouble!
Carrie says
Dear God. I am new at this mom crap and she’s 15. And she’s a delight and a small piece of heaven.
But her room and laundry has to be as close to “hell” as I’ve come in a long time.
Bras. Socks. Blouses I should have never paid that much for. Kotex wrappers. More bras. And then there’s the 3-day old Sonic cup on her nightstand.
Yep. And even more bras. How many damn bras can one barely-boobed girl have??
Carrie recently posted…The world has enough crap but could probably use a little more me. And a little more you. Trust me, here…I’m right.
Katy says
Ha ha ha ha ha! I see my future (my daughter’s 6) and it ain’t pretty!
Tarana says
Only moms can do this! I don’t know how many times I re-arrange my toddlers clothes because I keep wondering if he has enough clothes for the coming season!
Tarana recently posted…When should children start schooling?