The summer travel season is upon us and the airwaves have been abuzz this week with the story that families may find it impossible to sit together on airplanes. It’s some blah, blah, blah about $25 seat upgrades for aisle and window seats or those seats being reserved for frequent business travelers only.
I know that some families will be outraged by that fee and won’t fly.
But me? Maybe I will book a trip now. Let me explain why in this hypothetical scene where Experienced Bad Mom and family fly the friendly skies:
The scene opens on an A320 Airbus. We arrive at Row 22, where my 8-year-old son has been assigned the middle seat between two business travelers.
“Excuse me, sir. Excuse me. My son is in the middle seat there. He’s 8, likes butt and poop jokes, and will drink Coke if you let him til the cows come home. So after the drink cart comes through just be prepared he’ll have to go to the bathroom 3 times. He’ll be fine playing his DSi for 3 hours, but make sure you help him open his bag of peanuts. Good luck!”
A couple rows later I arrive at my 5-year-old’s row.
“Hi. This is Sydney. She’s 5. She has a bag of Barbies, My Little Ponies, Littlest Pet Shops, Zoobles, and Polly Pockets. Just help her pick up all the little bitty pieces when they fall to the floor. She’ll be done with this bag of toys in about 15 minutes so here are 482 books you can read her. Make sure she doesn’t spill her apple juice during the snack. When she cries, just let her. Nothing really works and she can take up to an hour to calm down. Good luck!”
Nine rows later I arrive at my seat.
I can read a book.
I can have uninterrupted thoughts.
Maybe I’ll take a nap.
Maybe I’ll stare at the airplane wall.
This is AWESOME!
–End Scene–
Will the seat fees deter you from flying this summer?
You had me at ‘Fly…’ !! As a former Flight Attendant, back when flying WAS a Pleasant Event, I am laughing to tears at the moment!!! Yessss! You should submit this to my Formerly Friendly Skies – and all of the others – to give them a bit of ‘reality perspective’!! Katy, once again, You ROCK the humor of a Very Disturbing situation! 😉
Lynden recently posted…Jonah Study…Farewell…
Thanks, Lynden! You can tell I’ve been on a few plane rides with my kids. I’m sure you’ve seen EVERYTHING while working as a Flight Attendant!
Still will fly. I’m sure the business travellers will willingly give their seat to me:)
The Mommy Psychologist recently posted…My Sweet Boy
Yup. I’m positive you’ll be able to switch seats!
Bahahah! So funny! Maybe we’ll fly somewhere too?
Adrienne recently posted…Why Homeschool?
I’m checking Expedia right now. They should market this as “Mommy Vacations” or something like that!
Oh too funny! Such a GREAT way to look at this situation!
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