It’s been two weeks since Miley Cyrus twerked her way onto the “Former Child Stars Gone Bad” list.
Which got me thinking.
What if our children’s most beloved (or most polarizing) star, Caillou, ever fell from grace? I think the press release would go a little something like this:
Former child star Caillou was arrested in Quebec on Saturday for shoplifting from Wal-mart. Caillou, best known for his seminal work on the hit children’s cartoon series “Caillou”, was stopped by security guards after they noticed suspicious lumps in his yellow t- shirt. Caillou was found to have toilet paper, light bulbs, socks for Rosie, and crayons on his person that he did not pay for.
Witnesses at the scene described a bald young man in handcuffs wearing a yellow t-shirt, blue shorts, and red shoes. He was overheard whining loudly, “But whhhhyyyyy Mommmmmmyyyyyyy?” and “I caaaaaannnn’tttt” as he was led to a squad car.
Caillou, now 21, is no stranger to controversy. He was arrested for DUI in 2010 and sent to rehab with his parents for pot addiction in 2011. While he has failed to replicate the commercial success of “Caillou” from the early years of his career, he has remained in the spotlight due to a string of high-profile relationships with Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes.
Former best friend Clementine was reached for comment. “I love Caillou and am praying for him,” she said of her former co-star.
Caillou is estranged from his father, who had no comment. Caillou lives with his mother, in her basement, when he’s not living in a van down by the river.
His sister Rosie seems to have chosen a better path after childhood stardom. She is married to Joe from Blue’s Clues and lives in California with their two children.
As of press time a court date had not been set.
Stock image courtesy
Ha! I’m glad fictional characters can remain good role models for the kids (most of the time :))
Tammy Doiel recently posted…FREE Thank You Notes Printables
hahaha my son loves that show. That voice drives me insane.
Jenn @ recently posted…The Park Bench by Fumiko Takeshita
You crack me up!! I would love to see the video of Caillou being arrested. That’s an episode I would definitely watch!!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…The Goodbye Window
Ooo, that would be a good episode! Especially if Grandpa and Gilbert were guest stars.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Former Child Star Caillou Arrested for Shoplifting
Cracking up at the thought of Caillou’s fall from grace. Seriously though, it’s very sad the stories we hear about so many celebrities.
Michelle recently posted…Laugh Out Loud Funny Blogs to Brighten Your Day
LOL for a moment when I saw the title I thought he really was arrested until I read the story. My sons always wondered why he was bald. I told them he was representing the kids with cancer.
Growing Up Madison recently posted…Greater Than One Kids Hold On Handles Review
I did also think he was really arrested until I reread again LOL
Adelien recently posted…10 Ways How I Manage My Stress
That was great! What an imagination!
Jill at recently posted…25 Pinterest Boards for Homeschoolers. Organizing Your Blogging Schedule and Making Your Home Worth More
This is hilarious! My son also loves this show, but I’ve “banned” it from my house. Lol. I think my son became more whiney when he was watching it! Lol. Thanks for sharing!
Jessica @ recently posted…Wrapping Up Our New Home Construction {Part 1}
I’m pretty sure that increased whining is a side effect all kids experience from watching that show!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Former Child Star Caillou Arrested for Shoplifting
That’s one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time. At least Rosie’s not married to Steve from Blue’s Clues. He looks like he’s probably bunking in the van too. lol
Missy Homemaker recently posted…Mondays with Peanut: His Take on Robert Frost
Yeah, Joe seemed more appealing than Steve for sure. And thank you for saying it was one of the funniest things you’ve read in a long time. That warms my heart! Seriously. Alright, I need help and/or friends.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Former Child Star Caillou Arrested for Shoplifting
That is too funny! LOVE that Rosie married Joe from Blues Clues. I always wondered what happened to him.
Colleen @ MommieDaze recently posted…Meijer’s ‘Most Likely To…’ PhotoSweepstakes
I know, right? “Joe and Rosie” has a nice ring to it, too.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Former Child Star Caillou Arrested for Shoplifting
haha Katy! I actually kind of like Caillou. Don’t hate. 🙂
TheBargainBabe recently posted…27 “D” snacks
The only thing my kids agreed on for about a year and a half was Caillou. So I am grateful to the little guy for that!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Former Child Star Caillou Arrested for Shoplifting
So funny!
hahahahaha, that was hilarious. I totally snorted at “in a van down by the river.” That’s another star gone bad story, I guess, isn’t it. And married to Joe from Blues Clues, ha! Thanks for a laugh. At least our little cartoon characters won’t change, at least much.
Stephanie @ From the Burbs to the Boonies recently posted…How strangers see special needs kids
I was waiting for someone to appreciate “in a van down by the river”! 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Former Child Star Caillou Arrested for Shoplifting
Oh man! If any cartoon star was going to get into trouble as an adult it would be Caillou. He’s such a whiner!
Adrienne recently posted…What really matters.
LOL! I’m so glad I was able to wean both sons off Caillou pretty early! Really so annoying!
Roshni recently posted…7 Books that comfort me
BWAH HA HA HA!! Oh please, oh please let Caillou have a fall from grace! We can call it a “teaching moment” and never watch that show again!! ;)-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted…The Dose Girls’ First Blogiversary & Giveaway To Our Readers!
See, I was pretty sure you gals would appreciate this post! Thanks for coming by! 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Former Child Star Caillou Arrested for Shoplifting
Do DORA next!!! Please???!!! Too funny Katy… 🙂
Chris Carter recently posted…Devotional Diary: Find The Light in Empowerment
Aw, shucks. Dora, huh? I’m thinking, I’m thinking!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Former Child Star Caillou Arrested for Shoplifting
So funny! Caillou drove me crazy – he is so whiny!! But I’m a gal from Quebec, so I feel I must be loyal to the bald guy. Even if he does need some rehab!
Leah recently posted…Lighthouses and Quote of the Week
I had such high hopes for Caillou, too, darn! Too funny. Thanks for the laugh ; (
Terra recently posted…How the Inspiration Got In
Hilarious! I’m sharing this!
Amber @ Myth Busting Mommy recently posted…Boost Compassion With Service Projects For Kids
Sharing is caring, as they say! 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Hot for Teacher
What was great about this post: All of it. Love.
What was not so great? Having this song stuck in my head: Toilet paper, light bulbs, socks for Rosie, crayons.
Christina recently posted…Let them eat cake (and cookies). For days.
And now I’m singing it too. Extra special brownie points to you for knowing the tune I was referencing!
Robbie recently posted…It’s MY BIRTHDAY!!
This is hilarious! Thanks for a good laugh.
Oh my God, there are no words to describe how much I love this post. I hate Caillou with a passion that shouldn’t even be legal. This.Is.Awesome. I’m sharing it everywhere, and also might be a tad bit in love with right now.
Julie @ Next Life, NO Kids recently posted…Now Hiring: Between 8-10 Sister Wives
Aw shucks! You know it makes me happy to hear how much you like this!