After three years raising our firstborn, an extremely active son, our family was blessed with a little girl.
She slept like an angel.
She was as sweet as an angel.
She was so dear to us.
Oh, sure, my sweet baby girl soon grew into a not-so-sweet toddler and preschooler, but really, I had no complaints about her early years.
Now that she’s eight and in the second grade, though, I have a lot to complain about.
Make that a lot of HER STUFF to complain about.
You see, somehow my sweet baby girl hoards stuff like a demented cat lady. Her stuff is everywhere.
It can be found on the dining room table:
Her stuff has crept into the living room (2 separate areas of it on opposite sides!):
Then there’s her room. Now, it is HER room, so HER stuff should go there. But, so much of it? When does it end? And what kind of parents let her accumulate so much stuff?
Her stuff is my NEMESIS.
Don’t bother trying to give it away or conceal it somewhere either. She has deep emotional cat-lady like attachments to each item and knows innately if you try to move something or get rid of it.
So her father and I remember the sweet baby girl we once had. We embrace the lovely young lady she is becoming. But if we could hire a moving van to take away her stuff tomorrow, we would!
What is YOUR nemesis?
I’m linking up with the #MommyReality Challenge #35, “Who or What is Your Nemesis?” hosted by Jenerally Informed and Leapfrog and Lipgloss. Join the fun!
Your daughter’s room could be switched out for one of my kids rooms. They look identical in carnage and collecting! I even found a stash of goldfish under one of my children’s bed’s last week. When questioned, the child replied with “You never know when you will get hungry!” Good gravy it’s not like I don’t spend every other waking hour feeding them. We just don’t eat on the dining room table very often because it is covered with their junk, just like yours!This is indeed a most worthy nemesis, not sure it will ever be remedied though, because the teenage years loom before us…..
Jen recently posted…The Secret To Successful Blogging
Well, duh, mom, of course you need extra goldfish in your room in case you get hungry! 😉 I yi yi. This weekend was so warm the ants started showing up inside our house so good luck to you and the crumbs in your kid’s room!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…From Sweetheart to Sweet, Lord, What IS All This Stuff?
I have just spent the past 45 minutes cleaning up from Mother’s Day. I’m not complaining. Ok maybe I am. My son cooked dinner last night. It was delicious. We watched a movie together after and then he cleaned up. Uh huh. He cleaned up. I suspect he’s gone a bit blind. He missed one or twelve items. After I put away last nights dishes and washed up an equivalent number I put a load of laundry on. His college dryer load still sits in a jumbled heap in the laundry basket. It might very well still be there when he leaves in August.
Kelly L Mckenzie recently posted…Ten To Twenty Parenting
One or twelve items – ha!
I’ll be ready to send help come August if you and he have passed out from the smell of his laundry pile.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…From Sweetheart to Sweet, Lord, What IS All This Stuff?
I helped my daughter clean off her dresser a few weeks ago and I was baffled at the amount of junk up there! She saves little bits and pieces of everything! I just don’t understand!?!?!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Do You Need an Escape? Try Houdini! {Review}
Me either! Because if I ask my daughter, she wants to keep every little piece of junk for this or that reason. Whyyyy???
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…From Sweetheart to Sweet, Lord, What IS All This Stuff?
This definitely must be a little girl trait because my girls are such little hoarders. And when you think you’re being sneaky by cleaning/throwing out stuff you don’t think they’ll miss? NOPE, that’s the one thing they’re looking for a week later, ugh!
Absolutely! How do they know the exact miniscule trinket I was going to get rid of and thought they’d never miss?!?