Thanksgiving is fast approaching, so it makes sense that my thoughts should turn to giving thanks: for my kids, my husband, my life, everything!
One of my favorite authors, Corrie Ten Boom, wrote about giving thanks in even the worst situations. For instance, she and her sister, while imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp, gave thanks for the fleas which had infested their bedding and all the prisoners. Turns out, the fleas kept the guards away and the ladies were able to lead many open prayer times because of them!
So here is today’s Bad Mom prayer of thanks:
I am thankful that Will drew toots coming out of the fishes he drew all over his church bulletin yesterday (while we were in church). I am thankful that he can draw, that we live in a free country where we can go to church, and that he has a sense of humor!
I am thankful that Sydney remembered and requested the toy books that I recently gave away to the Goodwill. I’m thankful that she has such a good memory! And that she didn’t get too mad that I gave it away because she hadn’t played with it in a year. Now if she could only use that super memory to remember to flush the toilet at home.
So there you have it. I hope you are thankful for all your blessings, even if they come in disguise sometimes!
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