As I mentioned on Friday, my husband had to work most of the weekend which meant I was flying solo with the kids. What can possibly happen when the Experienced Bad Mom is in charge for 3 days? Here are the highlights:
Grocery Shopping
I had to take the kids with me to do the grocery shopping. Those of you who have ever shopped alone with two children can feel my pain. The worst moment was either:
1. When Will took the cart and shouted “Donuts! Donuts!” while wheeling it around in continuous circles,
2. When I was talking to myself and said, “chicken breasts, chicken breasts,” because they were next on my list.
“Hee hee!” Will chuckled.
I had no idea why he was laughing. (You probably know why!)
“Hee hee! You said breasts. Chicken boobs!”
So glad they had that puberty talk at school this year!
Seeing Epic
Did you see Epic this weekend? I thought it was well done and entertaining. The good guys are little forest soldiers who ride hummingbirds. Literally two hours after seeing the movie, I’m in the garage and a hummingbird flies in and can’t find his way out. He’s whimpering, too, every time he hits the ceiling.
I grab the dollar store butterfly net and some gardening gloves and try and shoo it out while the kids are yelling and screaming, “Find the Leaf Men!” (the little guys from the movie.) The bird finally hops onto my net and I slowly walk it out. Phew! No emergency trips to bird sanctuary for us.
Stupid teenage boys
Some disenchanted youth in our neighborhood chose 2:40 am as the perfect time to blow up plastic bottles filled with who-knows-what in the middle of our street. It woke up my son and scared him. The next morning I was trying to turn the event into a teachable moment.
“You know, it was probably dumb teenage boys who blew up those bottles,” I said. “I don’t ever want you to be a stupid teenage boy who blows up stuff at 2:40 in the morning!”
“Mom!” he replied, vehemently. “I can’t even stay up until 2:40 in the morning!”
Not exactly the reply I was looking for, but I’ll take it!
How was your weekend?
Image courtesy of Liz Noffsinger/
Ours was pretty busy. We picked strawberries and then I had to figure out what to do with them all! I have three by myself at the grocery store every week. We could probably create a different plan around my husband’s work schedule; but we’ve just gotten used to it this way. Plus we have fun visiting the deli lady after church on Sundays. She gives my kids tones of free cheese!
Rabia @ TheLiebers recently posted…A Tale of Two Teddies
I think if I took the kids to the store every week, then I’d handle it better. I’d adapt and find a nice routine. But I know what it’s like to be free (!) at the store, so I always miss that when I’ve got the kids in tow. It’s like a startle reflex–“Oh, wait, you’re here. Don’t do that!”
If you lived closer, I’d love some of your strawberries!