Some of you following along on my Facebook page already know that my kids had a good start to the school year. But here’s the whole story so everyone can enjoy.
Last week I asked my kids how the first day of school went.
“I had the best first day ever!” my six-year-old declared.
Oh, good! I thought.
“My teacher’s hot,” answered my ten-year-old. “And she’s available.”
“Er,” I think I managed to reply to that. Or maybe I said, “Whaaa…”
On the second day of school, my son digs out a shirt that was a hand me down from his cousin. We’ve had this shirt at least two years.
On the one hand, I find it refreshing that he cares little about wearing the latest fashions to school.
On the other hand, I CANNOT believe he’s wearing this t-shirt on the second day of 5th grade:
“Are you wearing that for your teacher?” my husband asked.
“Oh, YEAH!” our son replied.
Honestly, I don’t know how we are raising a player! At least he’ll pay attention in class.
Have you or any of your kids ever had a crush on a teacher?
hilarious & I love the shirt!
Robbie recently posted…Everything Changed
Hahaha I am dining over here. Kids are great.
Jenn @ recently posted…How to Build a Sneeze Page for Your blog
Oh my goodness! You’re going to have a whole lot of stud on your hands there! So funny!
Missy Homemaker recently posted…Thrifty Thursday: Asking for the deal
That shirt is great! lol
Oh my gosh that is a hoot! How do they come up with this stuff? Brady’s in 2nd grade and last year was engaged to like 3 girls at once. WHAT??? And I do like that shirt.
Stephanie recently posted…Success! Egg-free pumpkin pie
OMG!! This is hilarious!! Maybe a bit scary too. . . but since I’m not raising him, it’s hilarious!! 🙂
Katie @ Gift of Curiosity recently posted…Balloon magic with baking soda and vinegar
Uh oh!! He’s funny!! I sure hope his teacher doesn’t read this!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Familiarity Breeds a Mess
That is a riot! You definitely have a player on your hands! Laughing so hard!
Michelle recently posted…Share some Blog Love with our Ladies Only Blog Share PLUS ONE Event! {Link Party}
Pretty clever little man! For sure! LOL
Jill at recently posted…I’m Thirsty For Some WATER!! Importance of Water in a Survival Bag
Omigosh!! He definitely has ‘charisma’!! ahahahahahh!!!
Roshni recently posted…How was your day, Mumma?
Oh NO he di-int!!! (As my head cocks around and my fingers snap in the air)
Wow. If I see anything on the news, I’ll know it was your kid and his teacher. ;0
Chris Carter recently posted…What To Do When You’re Sick
He’s still sweet and innocent.
That said, he will get the “reproductive health” talk in Spring so watch out!
That is too funny!!!! They start so early!
Leah recently posted…Sharing Our Story On How We Blended Our Family
OH. My. Gosh. This is incredible! Your son is a natural ladies man… let him rock it. My boyfriend (father of my child) is the ladies man of all ladies men. Seriously. There may even be a book about him out there somewhere. So I’m assuming I’ll be posting a similar post to this one in about 8 years. Until then…