It was a girls’ weekend. My husband and son were away at a baseball tournament and I had a whole weekend to hang out with my best gal – my seven-year-old daughter.
We were going shopping, getting pedicures, hitting the movies, and playing at the park.
First things first, I needed a new bra. And Macy’s was having a sale. AND they had coupons on top of the sale. I wouldn’t have to shell out $60 for a Wacoal (which I love…but $60 for a bra? Come on!).
Macy’s was a madhouse of people and signs. I landed in the “Buy One, Get the Second 75% Off!” section of bras. Plus, if I spent $50, then I could take $20 off that with my coupon.
Now it’s hard enough to go bra shopping and actually find one bra that fits well. So here I was going bra shopping 1) with a seven-year-old, 2) looking for a bra that fit, 3) that had 2 identical sizes available for the “Buy One, Get the Second 75% Off” deal 4) that together topped $50 to I could use the awesome $20 off of $50 coupon.
In short, I was insane.
My daughter gamely went into the dressing room with me. She only whined a bit. She only laughed at me a bit. Soon I found a bra in the color and size I needed. Then, I explained the whole deal and coupon scenario while I scavenged through the racks until I found an identical bra.
I did it! I moved on to a full day of shopping, movies, pedicures and fun.
That night as I ripped off the tags, I realized I had gotten the same cup size, but not the same chest size.
Never fear. I would just stop at Macy’s on my way home from work and get the right size.
Like a miracle, Macy’s had the size and color I needed. Like in real life, the counter in the bra department was closed. So I walked over to the Children’s department with my two bras gripped in my hand like sad toy snakes.
Then I froze.
For the cashier in the Children’s department was the 20-year-old undergraduate student I’d supervised for the last 2 years! Yup, the eager student whose time card I submitted every two weeks. Did I want her exchanging my bra? NO.
Better question: did she want to exchange my bra? NO.
I backed away slowly, giggling like a crazed woman. I ended up at another counter and quickly made the switch. I went home and collapsed, mentally and physically exhausted from bra shopping.
But I did get *2* new bras under $40, so it’s all good!
How about you? Do you like shopping? Do you take your kids, big or small?
Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut/
I’ve never been brave enough to bra shop with my kids, but I have gone into dressing rooms with them. Somehow the carpeting in there leads the boys to believe they can crawl around on the floor and peek under the doors. Better that than them trying to walk out the door while I’m half naked!!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…The Half Way Point of Summer
Ah, yes. What is it with those stalls that makes kids think it is the funnest thing ever to crawl underneath them? I seem to remember doing that with my sisters back in the 70s (my poor mom!)
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…How to Buy a Bra the Experienced Bad Mom Way
I believe that (almost) anything is worth scoring a deal that good! I’ll admit I’ve never gone bra shopping with my toddler, but I’ve also never had a coupon that good either!
katie @ pick any two recently posted…Blueberry Coconut Baked Oatmeal
Great to see another person who appreciates a fine coupon (and thus understands my passion to use it!)
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…How to Buy a Bra the Experienced Bad Mom Way
Haha. I had to laugh out loud a bit on this one! That is SO completely my luck to have someone I know– or that I had supervised!– at the underwear counter. I’m impressed you scored that deal– Macy’s can totally overwhelm me, but your coupon would make it worth it.
Julia @ Frantic Mama recently posted…Having a Baby is Nothing Like I Thought it Would Be
About my student – what are the odds?! Actually I told her about it the next time I saw her and we laughed and laughed. And she thanked me for NOT making her do my bra exchange!
Nice deal! But this is the reason I tend to shop online lol. Funny though that your daughter was the least of your problems. It always amazes me when my kids behave so properly when I don’t expect them to. I guess it’s because I hardly take them out to do these types of errands, that when I do, it’s new and exciting for them!
Nina recently posted…How to Stop Your Kids from Talking Back
If I wasn’t so frugal (!) I’d always show for my favorite $60 bra online!
I hate bra shopping. I go every couple years, stock up, and then avoid it like the plague for another couple years…
Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life recently posted…3 Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs a Blog
It’s up there with bathing suit shopping or even jean shopping for me. Just, NO!
Oh this made me smile. Yep – I took my two with me shopping all the time when they were little. Found bribery went a long way. The best memories were in the land of pedicures. At 3 and 4 they’d sit out front gulping down Orange Juliuses (great mom, no?) as I was back in some curtained area getting my toes tended. What was I thinking? Oh probably something along the lines of free happyland babysitting. My daughter would happily sit in the chair and thumb her way through magazines. My son would pop in and out updating me on the rest of the customers. It was quite the running commentary. With my husband passing away so early in their wee lives they thought it was normal to shop and watch pedicures and visit with the hairdressers while Mom got her hair cut … My hairdresser still talks about the time I arrived with a huge bag of “new” (recycled gems just received from my sister) toys and my two happily spent two hours (it was a colour day) playing …
And yes – with you on the jeans and bathing suit shopping front. Yuck.
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…We Need Dish Soap
Oh forgot to mention your student! Love that you told her about it later!!!
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…We Need Dish Soap
I loved this post because I could relate to it so much. I love a bargain, and I think your coupon deal, coupled with the excitement of finding the size and color you needed, were worth the effort. Hooray for sales!
Kate (Shakespeare’s Mom) recently posted…How to be a Good Mom
Shopping for ANYTHING with my kids tends to be torture. I don’t think I could handle bras. I found one I liked at Kohls, and when it fell to pieces, I ordered the same exact one off of Amazon this time for like half the price. Funny post though! Thanks so much for linking up. I’m going to tweet this out for you. 🙂
Meredith recently posted…Parenting Milestone #21. When Your Child Says, I Hate You
I like going shopping with my girls, as they are getting to the age now where they are starting to enjoy it. My son is not so keen. I remember taking him with me when he was small and in the changing room he crawled under the curtain of the person next door as she was trying on some things. She yelped in shock and I nearly died of embarrassment. I haven’t taken him with me since!
Nicola young recently posted…What Is It Like To Live In A World Where Everything Is The Wrong Way Round?
Oh, that poor shopper! And poor you! I’m sure your son had a grand time getting a reaction from everyone, though!
I took my infant clothes shopping a couple months ago when she was 6 or 7 months and she LOVED it! She just sat in front of the giant mirror and smiled and played with the cute little baby in the mirror 😉 This probably only worked because she was too young to go anywhere, but I imagine once she starts crawling those days will be over until she’s much, much older!
Cute story and nice bargain shopping! I don’t blame you for not wanting to have your undergraduate student exchange your bras. Stopping by from Mommy Monday Blog hop.
Bev recently posted…To Spit or not to Spit: A Tour of France at Boston Wine School
Yay for shopping with your little girl! May you have many more years of happy shopping experiences together. Thanks for stopping by.