There’s classes on how to care for your newborn.
Classes on how to use a car seat.
There’s a class to teach you how to breastfeed.
But nowhere have I seen a class for one of the most important skills you’ll need as a parent: how to fund raise.
Yes, it’s that time of year again. The time when I hit up every friend, relative and neighbor with my incessant demands to buy stuff to support my kids’ activities and/or schools. Anyone who has children knows what I’m talking about so I really can’t complain. But not being a shining inner salesman, I do struggle with the right balance of asking/demanding/strongly suggesting/wilting away from these fundraisers, most of which are mandatory!
Without further adieu, I present the 2012-2013 list of fundraisers currently on my schedule:
- Flat suggested donation of $50 for Sydney’s elementary school’s PTA
- Flat donation for Will’s elementary school’s PTA
- Boy Scout popcorn
- Scentsy warmers (Baton twirling)
- Christmas wreaths and poinsettias (also Baton twirling)
- Football squares for Will’s baseball team (oh, the irony of football squares to support the baseball team!)
- Sponsorship opportunities for Will’s baseball team
- Little Caesar’s pizza kits (must sell 36–36!!!–for 2 kids in summer camp or pay a buyout fee)
If I know you in real life, and you run away when you see me coming, now I’ll know why.
If I know you in real life and you want to buy/sponsor/support any of the above, then bonus points for you in the friendship category!
Usually, I do work on an “I’ll-buy-yours-if-you-buy-mine” basis.
Unless your selling books with gourmet lunch ideas or extravagant crock pot recipes.
In that case, I’ll pass!
How to you handle your kids’ fund raisers?
TheBargainBabe says
ohmygosh, that is a lot! Our son’s school doesn’t do a lot of fundraisers where you are out selling stuff….they do a book fair, a movie night, maybe a spring fling type thing.
We did the scout popcorn for a few years, but since it was our only fundraiser, I didn’t feel bad asking people to order.
Good luck with all those! 🙂
TheBargainBabe recently posted…Joy in a Shoebox– Operation Christmas Child (Boy Edition)
Katy says
Thanks for your good wishes! Can I interest you in some…oh, never mind. 🙂
misssrobin says
Just the words “fund raiser” make me want to throw up. My kids are older now so I don’t have to do as much, but they still make me crazy. I’d rather just pay more than deal with them. Not wise financial management, but better for my emotional health. Good luck!
Happy Sharefest. I hope you have a great weekend.
misssrobin recently posted…When I Couldn’t Do Laundry
Katy says
I usually pay out, but this year both elementary schools “suggested” a $50 payout. Wowza. Can I pay in installments?!
Nellie says
Goodness that is a LOT! I am not looking forward to those days 🙁 I am a terrible fundraiser. I DO buy from all my friends so i’m hoping a lot of that karma will come back to me! 🙂
Nellie recently posted…Unexpected Validation
Katy says
Yes, it’s nice when you buy from friends and they return the favor. It makes me feel like we’re all in this together! Thanks for coming by.
Erin says
Holy cow! Those are a lot of fundraisers!
As far as fundraisers are concerned, we try to do what we can. I mean there is only so much you can do.
Erin recently posted…2 weeks + Fall Break = AWESOME
Katy says
There IS only so much we can do, for sure! 🙂
Mare says
Oh, I remember those days well! I worked in non-profit for a decade and raising money was always a pressure. I hate it too. Maybe at the start of the year, just require parents to give a $100 and be done with it. The good news is that every parent has been there, and most really do support kids and schools. The Girl Scouts have it down…cookies!
Mare recently posted…Election Day
Katy says
My husband is in sales in real life, but somehow he magically gets too busy to hawk any of this stuff when the sales flyers come home! Maybe I’ll start baking cookies and show up with them when I’m knocking on the neighbors’ doors…