My kids have been out of school since December 20. They were supposed to go back Monday, January 6. However, Monday was a snow day and Tuesday was a holy-cow-it’s-never-been-this-cold-don’t-go-outside day.
As I loaded some laundry into the washer on Monday, it hit me. I love my kids, but they are driving me crazy right now.
And then it snowballed (ha ha, some snow day humor for you!) from there.
I love my kids, but they need to stop whining.
I love my kids, but I wish they would stop fighting so much.
I love my kids, but if one of them tells me one more time that they are bored, I’m going to lose it.
I love my kids, but I’m going to scream if they make any more fart or butt jokes.
And, yes, before you pass judgment on me, I DO love my kids. But sometimes, sometimes, they drive me nuts.
So I hope you can get real with me. How do you complete this sentence, “I love my kids, but______” ?
Looking forward to your answers!
Justin Knight says
I love my kid, but I’m sick of feeling like I’m the entertainment director on a Caribbean cruise he’s enjoying.
Justin Knight recently posted…My Son Is My Copilot
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
EXACTLY! Good one, Justin. Take care out there.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…I Love My Kids, But…
Andrea @the Distracted says
I love my kids, but if I have to issue one more timeout I’m going to scream.
I love my kids, but if they whine for a snack for the 100th time, I’m going to pull my hair out and lock myself in my room.
I love my kid, but if we have one more potty training accident I’m gonna throw in the towel and quit this whole stay at home mom thing (not really, but it feels like it.)
Love this post. I feel like this all the time.
Andrea @the Distracted recently posted…What’s Going on Wednesday Link Up
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
Thanks for playing a along, Andrea. I just knew I couldn’t be the only one who felt like this! good luck with that potty training. It’s a killer with boys!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…I Love My Kids, But…
Rabia @TheLiebers says
I love my kids, but I’m going to throw a tantrum if I have to answer the same questions over and over again today!
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Silly Family Traditions
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
Ooo, that’s a good one!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…I Love My Kids, But…
Laura says
I love my kids, but winter break is just too long for my sanity.
Laura recently posted…Back To The Sh*t List For Me
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
Can I tell you how relieved I am that the kids finally went back to school today? I feel like we were all more than ready! Thanks for commenting.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…I Love My Kids, But…
Lynn Kellan says
I love my kids, but sometimes I tire of being their chauffeur.
Lynn Kellan recently posted…My husband wants me to put on 20 pounds
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom says
Amen! I use my driver’s license more than my master’s degree it feels like.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…I Love My Kids, But…
Rhonda says
You are so right! I love my kids but they get on my last nerves sometimes. The worst is when they need me to referee their every move!
Rhonda recently posted…Help! I Can’t Pick Just One Douchebag! DOWA #5
Frankie Laursen says
I love my kids but (in the voice of Lina Lamont from “Singin’ in the Rain”) “I can’t stand [them]!”
I love my kids, but I want to throttle them at least a few times a week.
I love my kids, but all that whining, complaining, fussing: “Mama don’ play dat!!!”
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