On Sunday at 4 am I’ll meet with a group from my church to begin a week-long journey to Haiti. Ten of us are going through Haiti Outreach Ministries (HOM) to help wherever needed, probably doing light construction on a new high school.
The mission of Haiti Outreach Ministries is to share God’s Good News and the love of Christ through evangelism, discipleship, and assisting in meeting the needs of the impoverished in Haiti.
As a Christian, I feel called to go to Haiti. In 1999, my husband and I began sponsoring a child’s education through HOM. Turns out there is no public education available in Haiti and most schools are run by benevolent organizations. Fast forward many years later and I’ll get to meet the child we are now sponsoring.
His name is Agustin. He’s 9, just like my son. He may even be in this video clip. This was taken at the school he attends and which I will visit:
I’m prepared to be unprepared as I go to Haiti. It is a poor country, but rich in spirit, is what I hear.
There’s not a lot of electricity.
The plumbing’s not too hot, either. I hear we don’t flush our TP, rather it gets thrown out and burned!
We have been encouraged to pack lightly, and leave most of our clothes behind when we return to the U.S.
I’m not so idealistic to believe that this will be the best week of my life. It could be so hard that I never want to go again. But, I’m encouraged to try and help. And so I’m going!
I’ve lined up my blogging buddies to be highlighted on the blog next week, but I won’t be around to comment, tweet or use Facebook. I’m leaving my phone behind.
I’m marveling at how easy it was to go on mission trips when I was young. I just went. Now that I’m a wife and mother, it seems to be harder. Yet I would not want to use my husband and kids as an excuse NOT to go. So even though I’m scared, nervous, and excited, I’m going to Haiti.
I’ll end with one of my favorite Bible verses:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your path. ~ Proverbs 3:5-6
Thank you for your service! My church partners with a church in Haiti, on the island of La Gonave. We pray for them every week at Mass and send missionaries a few times a year.
Rabia @ TheLiebers recently posted…Fill-in-less Friday
good luck you wonderful women!
Lou Lou recently posted…The Saga of the Ring
GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!! You are a strong and courageous woman and I can’t wait to hear about your time spent serving over there. I will be praying for you!!!
Chris Carter recently posted…February Friend #4
My daughter went to Haiti in high school on a mission trip, and then again after college. It changed her life. She was working w/ a clean water program. She fell in love w/ the people, how simple and generous, even with the little they had. She did learn that vodoo is a common belief system there as well however; and was taught to be careful about who you trust. I know you will learn so much on your trip! God bless you for going!
Mare recently posted…Sweet, Sweet Day