My daughter’s public school career has lasted one year and three weeks so far. But something tells me it’s going to be a long ride til her high school graduation in 2025!
Check out what she said at the end of kindergarten last spring:
And here’s what Sydney said recently during the first week of First grade:
How do your kids feel about school?
LOL for her questions. I can see so far kids love science and world history a lot. However, they always wait for weekend when I give permission for them to play online game in facebook for 45 minutes each.
Adelien recently posted…Artificial Vegetative Plant Reproduction Methods
I think you will be having a long year! Can’t believe she is not a fan already. I see so many loving school those first few years. Good luck!
Jill @ Called To Be A Mom recently posted…Tools Essential for Your Survival (Bug Out) Bag
She’s a strong introvert is how I like to see it! She’d just rather be at home by herself!
This sounds like my oldest son. He has zero interest in public school and always complained about how long the day seemed.
Missy Homemaker recently posted…The Orange Rhino
Haha-too funny. I love hearing what comes out of kids mouths!
Tess recently posted…Tuesday Things
My kiddo is just like yours. He will just mope around about how school is a waste of time and gets in the way of fun. Ha! But deep down, he does enjoy the structure and his friends because he will tell me sometimes that he misses it on the weekends. We’re lucky we’re in a small town and small school district because we also see teachers and school friends in church, the grocery store, the post office, riding around town. It is a part of our culture and life, not just the daily grind. I finally told my kiddo that he had to find it in himself to change his attitude about school. The more he complained, I told him, the less happy he’d be. But if he could find the fun in it (math, recess, friends, chocolate milk at lunch!) the more he’d enjoy it. He seemed to get it.
Stephanie recently posted…Small Town Tuesday: Country cook-out
Love this! So great to meet you at BloggyCon13 😉 Today my Kindergartener informed me that she needs to bring something to school that starts with C. She also informed me that she doesn’t want to bring something she actually likes – because school will be keeping her C something for a few days…. that is my girl.
Great to meet you, too! And you’ve got a smart one there! Must be like her Mama?! 🙂
So cute! My kids seem to be adjusting well to school this year. It all depends on the teacher!
Leah recently posted…Sharing Our Story Part 2
How funny! My favorite was when my son wrote about what his mom does all day…this was years and years ago but I have never forgotten it. Apparently I watch tv and shop online all day. I guess since the house is always a mess, he figured I don’t do anything productive (like work at home). And I have not watched tv since my kids were born. Yes, I catch an odd show here and there, but I don’t have anything I watch on a regular basis nor do I ever even turn the tv on. Out of the mouths of babes!
Michelle recently posted…How To Handle Unsolicited Parenting Advice
My kids do enjoy it even though they love summer break too. My youngest said she wished she had a different teacher as she has the same one for Sunday School–but that teacher is one of the favorite for first grade, so I told her not to complain!
Tammy Doiel recently posted…Tasty Tuesdays: Canned Cucumber Relish
BAHAHA! I love kids. She is darling. School is long. I have been going for decades. . .the life of a teacher.
Jen recently posted…I auditioned for (Blogger) Idol
My daughter is in preschool and loves it…begs to go back after she gets home..
Nicole Copeland recently posted…Wordless Wednesday 9/18
Uh… good luck with that!!! LOL 🙂
Chris Carter recently posted…What’s Your Love Language?