Kids have been finishing up the school year all across America these last few weeks. But for moms, there is never a break from math, particularly math word problems.
That’s right, Moms don’t need to fear the dreaded Summer Brain Drain. Because if they are like me, they’ll be flexing their quantitative skills all summer.
For your amusement, and possibly commiseration, I present the following math word problems for moms inspired by my real life.
Math word problems for moms #1
Two parents work outside the home, both from 8am-5pm. One works 7 miles from home, the other works 10 miles from home. Their teenage son needs to attend driver’s education a couple miles from home from 8am-10am for 10 days. Since the son can’t drive himself, who drives the child home at 10am?
That was just a a warm-up. Now, for some harder ones:
Math word problems for moms #2
A tween needs to go to summer camp a couple days a week from 9am-5pm, except for the week she is attending a specialty camp five days in a row from 9am-4pm. Her teenage brother, who does not have a driver’s license, needs to go to high school hockey workouts three days a week in the middle of the day. The same teen needs to attend high school hockey games 20 miles away one night a week and ice times 5 miles away on another night of the week. How should two parents who work outside the home get each kid where on what day and still retain their jobs?
Math word problems for moms #3
A teen is old enough to get a part-time job to earn money and learn responsibility. He is unable to drive. Where can he work that he can get to by walking or biking that also allows him to be gone for his high school hockey workouts three times a week in the middle of the day, his high school hockey games one night a week, and ice times on another night of the week?
Final math word problem for moms
A mom is tired of figuring out her family’s schedule this summer. A dad is also tired. They never see each other because they are always driving their kids around or working. How many naps, glasses of wine, or carpools that don’t take an arm and a leg to organize will make them happy and not tired again?!
Did you solve these math word problems for moms? Do share the answers. Not only will you get an “A” in life, but you’ll get my undying gratitude.
I love your math word problems and yes, I am quite familiar with the agony of summer…I did solve one of the problems…what to do with the tween who is too young to stay home alone, Mom/Dad work full time and high school sister is in year-round school…I rent a small office down the hall from my office…baby monitor set up in both places…we share lunch together and take walks around the city. She has “home school” work to do. Plus there are snacks, a microwave, refrigerator, craft materials, DVDs. A couch for naps. Bathroom down the hall. Crazy, perhaps, but this word problem works. 🙂
Jeanne recently posted…A Mom’s Secret to Bourgeois Summer Dining
I’m proud of you, Mama, for that solution! I bet everyone is happy, too. Hmm. Do you think you could rent me a small office and provide me with snacks? 🙂
Katy recently posted…Math Word Problems for Moms
Ha! Oh I do not miss these math problems one little bit. Nope. Take heart – you will survive. Somehow. Wish I had a miracle cure or pill for you but I don’t. I just have the hilarious memories that may one day make their way into a book …
Kelly L McKenzie recently posted…How Wonderful Things Can Happen When You Least Expect It
Kelly, I rely on your for help and solutions. I was really hoping for that miracle cure or pill. I bet coming from Canada the pill would be very affordable, too.
Katy recently posted…Math Word Problems for Moms
Well done. I’d try to solve them but I’m too tired. The kids are in bed and I’m not far behind them. You might need a rocket scientist to solve those problems!
Eric recently posted…Month in Review: May
Ha ha! I once met a dad at my church who literally WAS a rocket scientist. I’m not sure he had any answers, either!
Katy recently posted…Math Word Problems for Moms
Haha! So. Much. Truth. By 9 am this morning, I already struggled with Problem #3, except I have a daughter and it’s cross country conditioning! Thanks for the laugh!
You’re welcome! Pretty much every middle school or high school sport has us running our kids around all year, right?!
I hadn’t realised till recently just how much summer holiday US kids get – and how little their parents get! You have my sympathies! #tweensteensbeyond
Thanks, Beth! I guess it hearkens back to the days when we all lived on farms and needed our kids to help with the harvest, LOL.
Ah how brilliant. i love this! My kids often say to me that what they learn in school is of no use in later life so now I’ll show them this haha! I do hope you manage to figure it out somehow, sounds like a big challenge. Thanks so much for sharing with us at #TweensTeensBeyond
Pretty much everything in parenting is a big challenge, right?!? 🙂
I so wanted to be able to crack this one and you totally had me with the title!!! I thought I’d be grabbing a calculator and a compass and strutting some of my mathematical stuff. But no. I am absolutely stumped. Like you and everyone else that has commented ‘how do we do this?’. Other than to make ourselves divisible by 10? Yet we do it don’t we?!. All power to our elbows and yours in particular. This little conundrum is no mean feat. Sending you lots of hands of strength Katy. Thanks for sharing with #tweensteensbeyond
Aw, thanks, Nicky! Like all parents everywhere, we’ll just figure it out and do what needs to be done. Somehow!
I think I failed Katy. I live in a house where one teen gets Maths without even opening his eyes and the other struggles daily – I think is more reflective of my scenario. Thank you for sharing this and I for one am looking forward to a Maths free summer. #TweensTeensBeyond
Jo – Mother of Teenagers recently posted…The Drugs Talk
You and me both, Jo! And if only a calculator could solve these problems for me. 🙂
Girllllll!! I SO get this. And btw, this was hilarious and so creative.
We have some doozer math problems of our own around here with our tween and teen without a driver’s license…
I get you. I totally get you. <3
I keep saying, this is the last chaotic, exhausting, crazy summer we will ever have.
And it's true. Hold on! Hang in there! We can do this!