I, like many of you, have succumbed to the siren call.
What siren call? you ask.
The siren call of the Pumpkin Spice Latte, of course.
As soon as September hits and the leaves curl ever so slightly, I feel excited for fall. And what better way to celebrate fall than with a delicious Pumpkin Spice Latte, suddenly available on every street corner?
I have indulged. The first 3 sips were heaven. And then I was pretty much done!
But since those blissful 3 sips, I’ve noticed something very interesting.
Everything–and I mean everything–seems to be pumpkin spiced:
- Oreos
- Pop Tarts
- Waffles
- Bagels
- Marshamallows
- M&Ms
- Beer
Below are more items that I just KNOW should be pumpkin spiced this Fall:
What about you? Are you a fan of the pumpkin spice craze? Any other products you think should be pumpkin spiced this fall?
Pumpkin stock image courtesy of supakitmod/Freedigitalphotos.net.
BWAH HA HA HA HA!! The tampons threw us over the edge into hysterical laughter!! Seriously, though, take it down a notch pumpkin people!-The Dose Girls
thedoseofreality recently posted…Because Peanut Allergies Still Matter
See, my life feels complete now! I was hoping someone would see the pure humor in pumpkin spice tampons! 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…New Pumpkin Spice Products for Fall
Why do I have a craving for Ramen now? You better patent these quick! I predict pumpkin spice tampons at Target next fall.
I can almost smell the pumpkin spice Ramen now…
HAHAHA!!! I do enjoy a good Pumpkin Spice Latte, and while I can’t see myself purchasing Pumpkin Spice tampons, I’m certain they would sell like hotcakes. 🙂
Katie @ Pick Any Two recently posted…My Sister-in-Law Died of an Overdose, and My Family Is Refusing To Keep Quiet About It
Hee hee! I’m not sure I’d buy pumpkin spice feminine products but the floss might not be half bad!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…New Pumpkin Spice Products for Fall
hahahahahaha! I’m dying!
Lauren recently posted…Happy SITS Day To Me!
I love it when I make people laugh! 🙂
HAHAHA! I love pumpkin, so yes thank you for alerting me to all that could be utilizing this amazing trend. Marketers had better pay attention to this, because here is an untouched gold mine of potential sales!
Haha. Why stop there? I bet the dogs would love pumpkin spice rawhide bones, and I think pumpkin spice hairspray might be nice too. LOL
Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life recently posted…Post Scheduling Changes in Facebook
The hairspray is genius! And I think I’d be crazy enough to buy that. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…All about GiveForward and #Love>Hate
ha ha ha! You are so right – pumpkin spice latter is in overdrive!!
Thanks for linking up to the Fantabulous Fall Favourites party – we all need a laugh!
I’m glad I’m not the only one noticing that the pumpkin craze is a little out of hand. What really kills me are the Halloween poptarts in Sept, when you know by October 31 they’ll be selling Frosty the snowman.
Denise recently posted…Halloween in St. Louis: Grant’s Farm is Spooky Fun for Little Ones
This is great!!! The tampons cracked me up!!! Thanks for linking up with us a the Mommy Needs a Timeout Thursday Linky. Hope to see you again this week. Party starts Wednesday night at 8 pm EST!
Twin Tested, Pin Approved
Lauren recently posted…Chili Week: Cajun’s Lemony Mushroom Chicken Chili and Cornbread Grilled Cheese
And thanks for hosting a cool linky! Glad the pumpkin spice tampons made you laugh!