I was just laughing to myself. And feeling like a bad mom again.
I was remembering a year ago when I got a fire in my belly and cleaned out toys, bought a big girl bed for Sydney, and put the crib away for good.
Part of that process was selling the cheap rocking chair I had used in both kids’ nurseries. We didn’t have a use for it anymore and it wasn’t really well made (i.e., comfortable), so I sold it on Craigslist for $50. I was excited to get some money for the chair and reclaim valuable space in Sydney’s small room.
Turns out the day I sold it was also the day my Mother-in-Law was visiting.
When the buyers came to pick it up and strapped it to their car and drove away, my Mother-in-Law started crying.
Yup, good times. I was a bad mom for selling my babies’ rocking chair. And, yes, I used the $50 to get a mani-pedi and a bottle of wine.
Actually I didn’t, but I’m sure that’s what my MIL was probably thinking!
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