“Will,” my daughter whispered to her brother in the backseat of the car. “I know the ‘s’ word!”
“Nuh uh,” he replied.
“Sydneeeeey,” I said her name. You know, as if saying just her name is the be-all and end-all of discipline.
She leaned over to her brother, smiling, and said, “A**.”
The two of them giggled devilishly in the backseat.
Now this is disturbing on a couple levels:
1. That Sydney knows there’s an “S” word
2. That she thinks it’s “a**”
I’m not sure what to address first: her poor manners or her poor spelling skills!
This is not good. Did you correct her at least?!
Well, on second though, perhaps not a good idea, ha ha.
My 8 yr old has little interest in spelling except for the bad words. We found a picture he drew of a bad guys house and the bad guys house had "damn" and something else (I forget) on it.