We went to a trampoline place on Black Friday for some fun. One of the trampoline courts was for dodgeball and it listed the rule “No Suicides”. As my friend and I discussed what “No Suicides” meant in regards to Dodgeball, Will spoke up.
“I know what suicide is,” he said.
“In dodgeball?” I asked.
“No,” he clarified. “Just suicide.”
Hmm, I thought. I think it’s sad that my 9-year-old knows what suicide is.
“It’s when bad guys are trying to kill you in the sewer,” he reported.
“Get it? Sewercide,” he concluded seriously.
Never thought “sewercide” would make me smile!
I was thinking that you were going to go dark … but instead you left me with a smile. Happy Monday!
Kerry recently posted…Date Night … With My Kid
Yup, it’s usually light around here! 🙂
ha ha! Sounds like a punchline to a funny joke. Kids grow up too fast! Glad to see yours still has some innocence. : )
Heather recently posted…DIY Doll House
{Melinda} That’s pretty clever. Much have gotten that gene from his mama. 🙂
Thanks so much for stopping by on our SITS Day! 🙂
Mothering From Scratch recently posted…delivering Christmas week 7: advent begins next week
Hi, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (http://annesfunnyfarm.blogspot.com), and I’m visiting from Finding the Funny.
From the mouths of babes. Well, from the mouths of 9 yr olds, anyway. That was actually a good one, though!
Anyway, thanks for posting this. If you’ve never visited yet, I hope you can pop by my blog sometime to say hi…
Thanks, Anne! I’ll be sure to stop by.
Happy Friday Experienced Bad Mom. I’m nominating you for a Liebster Award and sharing a little blog love your way. Check out my post to read about the details. http://breadwinningmama.com/2012/11/30/my-blog-earned-an-award-happy-friday-to-me/
Kerry recently posted…My Blog Earned an Award – Happy Friday to Me!
Thanks, Kerry! I’ll be sure to pass the blog love on!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…The Great Bambino (A Wit and Wisdom Guest Post)