My daughter helped me chop broccoli recently. I was trying out a new recipe, she was bored, and I put her to work.
You know what comes next.
“She’s chopping broccoli!” I sang with glee. “She’s chopping bro-cco-li”.
My daughter looked at my like I was crazy (I am) and asked me to stop.
But I didn’t stop and I even made her watch Dana Carvey singing this infamous song about cutting cruciferous vegetables on YouTube:
This got me thinking about other famous sayings from Saturday Night Live that would annoy my kids. How fun!
Use these sayings to annoy your kids, too, like:
Sloppy Joes, Slop, Sloppy Joes
This one, made famous by Adam Sandler, works anytime you might be cooking Sloppy Joes or something similar.
It’s also fun to sing while picturing the School Lunch Lady, aka Chris Farley, dance around.
Isn’t that special?
Remember the Church Lady? Remember saying, “Isn’t that special?” for 2 years straight until everyone was sick of it?
It totally works to annoy your kids and is a great answer to anytime they go on and on and on about something that is so NOT special.
Just Cinch It
Whenever my kids try on something that’s too big for them, I tell them to just cinch it. And then I laugh, remembering David Spade, Adam Sandler, and Chris Farley playing sales people from The Gap who told everyone to just cinch it.
Van Down By The River
Chris Farley made this saying famous as he portrayed a less-than-succesful life coach who actually lived in a van down by the river.
I’ve used this saying to describe the downfall of Caillou and I like to remind my kids that if they don’t make good choices they’ll end up living in a van down by the river.
Other fun sayings made popular by SNL that can be used by goofy parents to annoy their kids include the simple but effective “NOT” from Wayne and Garth,”That’s the ticket!” by the pathological liar, and “Makin’ copies” by Rob Schneider’s The Richmeister.
And, yes, I realize these are older sayings from 20-30 years ago, but my kids think I’m a dinosaur anyway so I say embrace it!
Chopping broccoli is hilarious. I still use that one too
The classics never get old!
Unlike me… 🙂
Katy recently posted…SNL Sayings to Annoy Your Kids
Lol some great video clips here – they have brought a smile to my face lol – love the Dana Carvey facial expressions in time with the ill timed music!!!
Tom @Ideas4Dads recently posted…How I Know I’m Happy
Dana Carvey’s mouth and lip curls when he sings “Chopping Broccoli” cracks me up! Thanks for visiting.
Kids today will never understand how hilarious that was. Sad.
Why do I feel the urge to go watch Happy Gilmore now?? I miss the 90s.
“The price is wrong, Bob!” Now you’ve got me quoting Happy Gilmore. A classic!
These are great! I do the chopping broccoli one all of the time! My kids don’t get it, but it makes me happy 🙂
Jen recently posted…Dairy Free Peach Smoothie Pop
Dana Carvey should be proud to know that so many of us are singing about broccoli to our kids. 🙂
I don’t think any of these reached the UK! Thanks for linking up with #globalblogging
I still appreciate you taking the time to visit. 🙂
I know when I read blogs from the UK about high school, it seems completely different than how school is run here. I just try to keep up.
Haha! We actually say some of these things to our kids. We’re SNL lovers. My oldest daughter loves SNL too, she’s even watched some of the old ones. Even though she enjoys SNL she watches the sketches for inspiration for her speech club. 🙂
Thanks for sharing with us at MMBH.
SNL should be pleased to know so many parents are using their catch phrases with the younger generation. 🙂 Thanks for dropping by.
We just saw the SNL exhibit at the Museum of Broadcast Communication in Chicago and it brought back such great memories from the show, including every single bit you mentioned! It’s a fabulous exhibit – you should take a field trip here to see it!
Mo recently posted…Why It Took 4 Hours to Unpack From My 2-Day Trip
Now see? THIS is why I always love coming over here. YOU MAKE ME LAUGH! These are all CLASSICS that I love just as much as you! Oh my gosh, this was so fun. Thanks for taking me down memory lane, Katy!
“Nerf Crotch Bat!” And “the sun feels good on my baboon heart” are two of my favorites to use! I also love Sloppy Joe, Red Hooded Sweatshirt, and Just Cinch it!