Kids already bored this summer?
You’re already pulling your hair out?
Or maybe you’re just looking to try something new?
Then let me suggest a subscription to Little Passports. Little Passports can help your child ages 5-10 “travel” and learn about different cultures around the world – all without ever leaving your own home!
For instance, did you know each year between June 21 and 24, different European countries celebrate Midsummer’s Eve and Midsummer Day (the longest day of the year), including Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Norway? Traditionally, people prepare their houses for Midsummer celebrations by decorating their homes with colorful flowers and wreaths.
When you sign up for Little Passports, you and your child receive monthly packages full of facts, games, and usually a small toy from a different country. You also get members-only access to the Little Passports website. You can sign up for a 1 month trial, 3 month subscription (Perfect for summer!) or a 1 year subscription.
Sydney, age 6, and I are currently enjoying our second year of adventures with Little Passports. Last month we learned about Thailand and she’s still reminding me that in Thailand they have a king and really like elephants.
Happy summer!
Disclosure: I am an affiliate for Little Passports.
That looks really cool! I think I might look into this… Thanks Katy!
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