It’s the last few weeks of summer and the kids’ summer camp is winding down. I can’t help but reflect on the things my kids have brought home from camp.
My ten-year-old son brought home nothing.
But my six-year-old daughter brought home 82,349 crafts and little gems like this:
In case you are not fluent in six-year-old-ese, she wrote, “This is my family! I love my family. My family is fun.”
Summer camp, thanks for inspiring this little gem!
Are your kids back at school yet? Do you have any gems from this summer?
Leah Davidson says
I love the family picture! I love looking back at the family pictures my kids have drawn over the years – who is “tall” , who is tiny, (who’s in it was always a surprise for me since we are a blended family – it helped me see what was going on in their little brains when they thought of “family”). We still have a few more weeks before school starts, so I’m hanging on to summer!
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Michelle says
This is so sweet! I love it!! I don’t have any gems like that from this year but I do from when they are younger. I saved some pretty funny things they wrote, as well as some really sweet ones too!
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Andrea @the Distracted says
Very cute. I look forward to stuff like that. My kids are still too little. For now I’ll just enjoy the weird stuff they say. Like “Fly Slopper” in place of Fly Swatter.
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Growing Up Madison says
My kids are back in school and I’m delighted. Now I can come home to breakfast and to some peace and quiet (I’m dreaming because I have a toddler who’s like 10 of them combined). I love when they bring home their art and projects from school though.
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Frankie Lawson says
My 6yo son went to an art & science camp so he brought home a catapult and a castle he’s made. And a few lbs. of dirt and sand in his shoes.
BTW, I’m ecstatically relieved to see that your daughter writes like my son, that is, like a first-grader. Some of these kids write really well already, and I’m wondering if my son is behind. Glad I can tell my anxiety to shut up.
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