It’s that time of year again. The time when my school district invites every parent to submit his or her input as the schools start the process of placing kids in classes for next Fall.
I like the opportunity. My son is very active and I’ve always shared that he’s active, needs to move, and does better with a teacher who will embrace, rather than punish, that quality.
I do have to watch what I write on the input form, though. I need to be polite and respectful so that the principals and counselors will respect my input. And I realize they have a big job ahead of them and I truly appreciate their efforts.
That said, there’s stuff I’d REALLY like to write on the form, but don’t.
So you guys get to read that stuff instead. Here it is:
Please list the names of any students in your child’s grade level with whom you feel your child should not be placed with.
I don’t have names. Hopefully, you’ll know who these kids are from the following description:
- I don’t want my child placed with any kid who will start having sex by 6th grade
- I don’t want my child placed with any kids who think they are better than everyone else because they have a parent who makes a huge salary
- I don’t want my child placed with any kid who will make him cry
- I don’t want my child placed with any kid who thinks it’s okay to smoke or do drugs
- I don’t want my child placed with any kid who uses the F-word in every other sentence
- I don’t want my child placed with any kid who thinks it’s okay to say derogatory things about women or minorities
- I don’t want my child placed with any kid who will make fun of his belief in God, Jesus, or his burgeoning political views.
What, if any EDUCATIONAL concerns do you have about your child’s placement for next year?
My EDUCATIONAL concern is that he will be placed with any of the above kids in his class.
If there is a teacher you would NOT like your child placed with please provide his or her name AND an explanation as to why.
I asked all my friends on Facebook, and either out of fear or ignorance, nobody ratted out the bad teachers.
Suffice it to say that I do not want my child placed with a bad teacher. Thank you.
Please tell us anything about your child that will help us place him or her in the best possible learning environment.
I love my son with all his heart. Please take care of him while he’s in your building 5 days a week.
Help him build his self-confidence.
Don’t make him cry with too much pressure and/or too much homework.
Praise him when he does something right.
Allow him to make mistakes and know that I support him as he makes those mistakes. Don’t send home judgy notes that we have failed as his parents if he makes mistakes.
Oh, and did I tell you he’s awesome? So the best possible learning environment for him would be with an awesome teacher and awesome kids. Thank you.
Now it’s your turn. Is there anything you’d like to tell the schools?
Image courtesy of imagerymajestic /
I always hate the forms!! The principal asks for input, but I’m never sure she really wants it. I don’t want to be *that* parent!! There is a specific student in my son’s class that I do not want him to be with EVER AGAIN! Every time he gets in trouble it’s because she is annoying him . His teacher has even said that all she does is follow him around and bug him. He used to hit her, now he just runs to the teachers and complains. That’s progress, right??
Rabia @ TheLiebers recently posted…Student Worker Appreciation Week
The forms can be stressful! I’ve heard, but have no idea if it’s true, that certain principals hate it if you request a teacher. I’ve even heard of parents naming kids they don’t want in their son’s or daughter’s class and then-bam-guess who’s in the same class?!
And we thought breastfeeding and potty training were hard. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Stuff I Want to Write on the Parent Input Form
I never had an opportunity to fill out such a form. Seems like every parent would want the same things and the same teachers. it’s great that you have any input, and i hope your son gets exactly what he needs. It’s sad that we even have to request the things you want. They should be givens for every child.
Mare recently posted…KARAOKE, anyone?
I like that, Mare: that every child should get what they need, regardless of whether or not you asked for what they need!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Stuff I Want to Write on the Parent Input Form
I am put off by them asking who you do not want your child with and to provide their name? Really, like why would you do that. And imagine if every parent said the same teacher, would they let that teacher go or something? Or what if you provided the name and they still assigned your child to that teacher anyway, do you have to go in and remind them you requested not to? This is such a weird/bold/dangerous question to ask.
Not Winning Mom of the Year recently posted…My Day In The Life Playlist
It has good intentions, probably, but is for sure abused by people who list every teacher they *don’t* want so that leaves them with only the teacher they *do* want. Blah.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Stuff I Want to Write on the Parent Input Form
The forms are just to taunt us…they ask questions but they know we can’t answer honestly. More busywork.
christina f recently posted…the great organizing hoax
Yes, we are lulled into believing our opinion counts but it probably doesn’t!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…Stuff I Want to Write on the Parent Input Form