Once upon a time, I had two children. They loved each other. Maybe because they were 3 1/2 years apart in age and different genders they got along for many years. Then, my older child, a boy, entered 4th grade. Suddenly, his little sister was “lame”. This coincided with my daughter’s uncanny ability to push [Read More]
Wordless Wednesday – The Return of Bitty Baby
Remember when I was whining about sending Bitty Baby to the American Girl doll hospital? Well, she’s back! Here she is in her hospital gown all better. And Sydney’s soooo happy!
Bitty Baby: The American Girl Gateway Drug
I am filling out a hospital admission form right now. Oh, no! I can hear you crying. What’s wrong? Who’s hurt? Poor EBM! Don’t panic. I’m filling out a hospital admission form for a DOLL. That’s right, I’m sending Bitty Baby to the American Girl Doll Hospital. She needs a new body (torso and limbs) [Read More]