This month I’m happy to report that several things have been bugging me lately. And who better to complain to than my loyal readers? After all, you’ve listened over the years as I’ve complained about things such as kindergarten homework, teachers that hold erasers hostage, and making dinner for my kids. So sit back and [Read More]
7 Funny But True Reasons Why I’m Jealous of My Teen
“How many have you had?” I asked my teenage son as he popped another buttered roll into his mouth. We were dining at Texas Roadhouse, a restaurant that serves rolls before the meal. “Nnnnh,” he replied, his mouth full of doughy goodness. I believe he meant nine. Nine rolls. By the time our entrees came, [Read More]
The Christmas Breaking Point
“Do you think he’ll like it? I’m really worried he won’t’ like it,” my twelve-year-old daughter asked me from the doorway. I jumped from where I was sitting in front of our family computer. I closed down a window where I had been tracking a gift for her. It was shipped late, and wouldn’t make [Read More]
That End of School Year Craziness
We are officially done with the school year in our neck of the woods and I couldn’t be more pleased. No more packing lunches. No more nagging children to study. No more racing around to one billion year-end school events. This last item, the racing around, is where I failed most often in the last [Read More]
Modern Day Mom Confessions
Shhh. I have some modern day mom confessions to make. I have realized after hours of scrolling my Facebook feeds (no judgment) that one of these things is not like the others. That’s right. I’m an aberration to the Mama Nation. Why? Well, take a look at my modern day mom confessions and see if [Read More]
When Your Child Doesn’t Like to Read
Again. I saw it again. Another post on social media from a friend singing the praises of her child who couldn’t stop reading. How lucky am I? she wrote. My son finished Harry Potter and he’s only in second grade! You are lucky, I thought, damping down my jealousy. My son hates to read. He loathes [Read More]
A Superlative Bad Mom Moment Starring Poop
Lucky me! I got to see the hit movie “Bad Moms” not once, but twice this summer. If you can get past all the F-bombs, it really is a funny movie that pokes fun at so many Mommy truths. My dear readers know that I consider myself a Bad Mom, just like the moms in [Read More]