My daughter is wrapping up her senior year ice hockey season right now and this Hockey Mom is emotional. No more stinky equipment in the back of the family truckster. No more exhilarating wins or devastating losses. No more jokes with the other Hockey Moms in the lobby at the ice rink as we kill [Read More]
Signs You Might Be A Proud Hockey Mom
Did you know there are 832,578 Hockey Moms in North America? Okay, I made that up, but I know there are a lot of proud Hockey Moms out there, you know, moms who devote a lot of time and love towards their children’s participation in ice hockey. There are so many Hockey Moms that they [Read More]
5 Reasons The Junior Varsity Team Was Right For My Teen
Could he? Would he? These were the questions I asked before my teen’s freshman year of high school. I wasn’t wondering about his course load, social life, marching band, or student council. No, I was wondering whether or not he could make the varsity team in his chosen sport. It would be such an accomplishment, [Read More]
7 Reasons I Am a Terrible Travel Sports Parent
For the first time in six years, neither of my kids is on a travel, or select, sports team. My son is in high school and participating with the high school sports teams. While travel team-esque, it is different. Meanwhile, my daughter found out that there were not enough players for there to be a [Read More]
The Ides of March and Stuff
I was reminded of the Ides of March recently when we were planning my son’s course schedule for his sophomore year. While discussing his English class choices for next year, I brought up Shakespeare. “You’ve had to read Shakespeare, right?” I asked him. “Only Romeo and Juliet,” he replied. “Well, we watched the movie.” “Did [Read More]
If Hockey Moms Got A Medal
“Where’s your medal?” asked the eight-year-old boy looking at a picture of my family. In the picture, my daughter, son, and husband all wore medals around their necks. That’s because one weekend my daughter’s hockey team won a tournament, so she got a medal. Then my son’s hockey team won a tournament, so he got [Read More]
Lessons From a Losing Season
I have now experienced a losing season with each of my kid’s sports teams. A few years ago, my son’s 6th grade hockey team lost every single league game it played. There were, at least, a few wins in tournaments. Then, last year, my daughter’s hockey team lost every single game except one, which was a [Read More]