We went to a trampoline place on Black Friday for some fun. One of the trampoline courts was for dodgeball and it listed the rule “No Suicides”. As my friend and I discussed what “No Suicides” meant in regards to Dodgeball, Will spoke up. “I know what suicide is,” he said. “In dodgeball?” I asked. [Read More]
Teacher’s Pet?
My son enters 4th grade next Tuesday. In preparation, he filled out the “getting to know you” questionnaire he got from his new teacher. Of course, I had to take a peak. The following questions and answers from the questionnaire are true. Nothing has been changed to add humor — or correct his spelling. — [Read More]
Tips for Surviving the Giant Indoor Water Park
Those of you reading along know that all my son wanted for his 9th birthday was a trip to the giant indoor water park. Well, I’m back after surviving two days and 1 night in the world’s largest indoor water park, Kalahari Resort in Sandusky, Ohio. Not only did I survive, but I had fun, [Read More]
The Top 5 Reasons I Don’t Want to Go to the Giant Indoor Water Park
We celebrated my son’s 9th birthday over the weekend. It was a flurry of dining out, opening Beyblades and DSi games, and playing with Beyblades and DSi games. One thing we didn’t do over the weekend was host a birthday party. That’s because, like many kids his age, Will did not want a birthday party. [Read More]
Wordless Wednesday – Man of Your Dreams
He’s only 8, can pick his nose with his tongue (ewww!!!)Â and yes, he has a girlfriend!
Poop Sandwich 2012
It’s the last week of school in our neck of the woods. That means there are numerous year-end events: talent shows, recitals, parties, etc. But what’s missing, and has been since September 2009, are any peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in my son’s lunch. No, it has nothing to do with allergies. The reason my [Read More]
Everyday I Hate Mathematics More
Will, my 3rd grader, is working through an Everyday Mathematics unit on reasoning and word problems. Oh, the joy! (You might recall how much I LOVE the Everyday Mathematics curriculum.) This particular “Home Links” worksheet asked him to explain how he arrived at his answer. Check out the problem and his explanation of how he [Read More]