I’ve got a secret to share. My most discerning followers may have already picked up on what it is. It’s a secret about work, aka the daily grind, that 9-to-5 life. My day job is, well, work. And I just gotta laugh about it. So my secret is that most Mondays I share a relatable [Read More]
Office Space Again
Last month I started a new job and it’s hybrid. Some days I’m in the office, other days I’m working from home. After two years of solely working from home, I’ve got office space again. For those of you who don’t know me in real life, this is a big culture shift. Like many others, [Read More]
Five Fantastic Memes That Find The Funny In Women’s History Month
Not only was March 8 International Women’s Day, but the whole month of March is Women’s History Month. To celebrate all things WOMAN, I’m sharing some of my favorite funny or empowering memes about the best gender on the planet. Here’s to all things female! The one about the part time job: The one about [Read More]
Thoughts I Have Driving Home from Work
So if my daughter has a game at 6 pm and my son has a game at 9 pm and each of them have to be there an hour early and it’s too far to go home in between games, what time do we need to leave and how many cars are we taking? GET. [Read More]
Quirks at Work
I wish that writing this blog (or really writing in general) made me one million dollars a year. Cue Dr. Evil, ala Austin Powers: via GIPHY Alas, writing does not pay the bills and I must work for a living. I’ve shared the glamour of my working gig before, but it’s time for an update [Read More]
To the Anxious Working Mom Going Back To Work
Dear Anxious Working Mom Going Back To Work, I wish I could give you the gift of hindsight and the peace it brings, but I can’t. Yet I will tell you what I wish I had known 10 years ago when I went back to work after having my baby. Daycare isn’t so bad after [Read More]
10 Jobs I Could Never Do
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. As the seconds went by, I witnessed the most patient woman on earth do her job. Saint? you ask. Teacher? you wonder. Nurse? you query. No. She was the person behind the prize counter at the arcade. Yes, this most patient of souls was waiting on a child clutching his precious [Read More]