My son enters 4th grade next Tuesday. In preparation, he filled out the “getting to know you” questionnaire he got from his new teacher.
Of course, I had to take a peak.
The following questions and answers from the questionnaire are true. Nothing has been changed to add humor — or correct his spelling.
Tell me your favorite school memory.
Feild Day
List 3 things you do well.
What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?
Going to Kalahari
How do you feel about school? Why?
Excited I can make new friends
What is one wish you have for this school year?
One day without homework
What is one thing you want me to know about you?
I herd you like DisneyWorld. Have you been on thunder mountain
Now, I laughed out loud when I read that his one wish is a day without homework. That’s pretty good. I also cringed at his misspellings. Feild day, anyone? Patiance? I yi yi.
(I think with his bad spelling, kick-butt Lego abilities, and math skills, Will could grow up and be an engineer. And engineers usually make a good living, bad spelling or not!)
Stay tuned to hear how the first week goes. Here’s hoping the teacher has a good sense of humor!
Don’t pick on your kid for his spelling…you decided you needed to take a peak and that is spelled peek!
OMG that’s awesum. Now I know wear he got his bad spellung frum.
bahahaha!! I am dying laughing. “spellung frum”
His questionnaire isn’t too bad. Last year for 2nd grade, our son answered “What was your favorite thing of the summer” with “saw pg-13 [movies] with Dad.” Awesome. Way to impress them with our mad parenting skillz. (They had seen Transformers)
Spelling does not matter now-a-days with spell check on everything. 🙂 To be an engineer, you just need to like math and be a systematic/technical thinker. Depending on what type of job you have as an engineer, you sometimes never use the math that you’ve learned to get your degree. 🙂
Don’t sweat it, that’s what spell check and auto correct are for… and forgo math while you’re at – we have calculators now, and writing class – we type everything. So, what I am rea;;y trying to say is don’t bother sending your kid to school – he’s a genius!
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