Thanksgiving is here. What better way to celebrate than to sit around the table sharing Thanksgiving jokes? It sure beats sitting around the table fighting over who is really Mom’s favorite or who ate the last of the mashed potatoes.
So to promote world peace, at least at the dinner table, here is a finely curated collection of Turkey Day funnies:
What is a turkey’s favorite dessert?
Peach Gobbler
What did the turkey say to the computer?
Google, google, google
How does a turkey walk when it’s hurt?
Wobble, wobble, wobble
What kind of music did the Pilgrims like?
Plymouth Rock
What is Dracula’s favorite holiday after Halloween?
Who is never hungry on Thanksgiving?
The Turkey. He’s already stuffed.
How did the Pilgrims bring cows to America?
On the Moooo-flower
Why was the turkey in jail?
Fowl play
What’s the best thing to put into a pumpkin pie?
Your teeth
What sound does a turkey’s phone make?
Wing, wing, wing
Fill your dinner with stuffing–and these Thanksgiving jokes. (If you’re Canadian, then I hope your Thanksgiving was amazing last month. If you’re reading this from the United Kingdom, then I don’t know what to say except I seem to remember there’s something about Guy Fawkes day in November and I have no idea who that is.)
Which joke was your favorite? Do you have another one to share?
“The turkey. He’s already stuffed.” Too funny, Katy. Here’ s one for you. “Why can’t you take a turkey to church?” “He’ll use fowl language.”
Please note as you head into the kitchen for second helpings that I shall be drooling from afar., my Canadian Thanksgiving long forgotten …
Have a splendid Thanksgiving!
kelly L McKenzie recently posted…It Took A Wardrobe Failure
Thank you, Kelly! I’m really on a roll with these jokes, eh. Tomorrow I’ll be on a muffin.
Haha! My 4 year old loved these. We heard the “wing-wing” one at the library last week an she has been telling everyone!
Jen recently posted…The Happy Now Blog Link- Up #87
Too funny Katy!!! Cracked me up.