I can’t deny it. I’ve been listening to Christmas music for a couple weeks now. I’ve already finished shopping for a few members of the family.
I know it’s November, but getting a jump start on the holiday season (within reason!) helps me enjoy Christmastime more.
That’s why I’m sharing one of my favorite Christmas pictures of my kids today. Surprisingly, it’s not when they were cute, little babies. It’s not even when they were preschoolers. No, my favorite Christmas picture is of my school-age kids mailing letters to Santa.
Mailing letters to Santa is a sweet, simple holiday tradition in my town. Watching my kids believe in the magic of Santa really brings out the kid in me!
What is your favorite holiday tradition that brings out the kid in you? Gymboree, maker of super-cute kids clothes, would like you to share it with the world. Your photo could be featured in Gymboree’s year-end video and you will also be entered to win a $2,500 shopping spree. Use Instagram or Twitter to share a photo of your kids that exemplifies why this time of year is the best time to be a kid. Make sure to include the hashtags #BestTimetoBeaKid and #Contest so that Gymboree can find you.
Win a $2,500 shopping spree? Woot!
Check out Gymboree’s holiday collection in this sweet video of Mario and Courtney Lopez and kids making a pumpkin pie. Look at their little boy’s hot pink attire–LOVE!
(In case you hadn’t notice while looking around the blog, hot pink is one of my favorite colors!)
Have you already started getting ready for the season? Do you have a favorite holiday tradition captured in a picture?
This post was inspired by Gymboree’s #BestTimetoBeaKid #Contest promotion. I am an affiliate for Gymboree and would receive a small commission if you click on the link/banner and make a purchase.
I absolutely adore this time of year as well. Your lovely photo brings back a ton of memories for me. So fun that your town has a special Santa mailbox. In Canada we mail letters to him and include the postal code HOH HOH. He writes back! Does Santa write back to your kids too?
I love HOH HOH! I hadn’t heard of that. Too fun.
Our Santa does write back, but last year it was a near disaster. I only got 1 letter – not 2! I hid the first one and waited and waited, but the 2nd letter never came. So I kept that 1 letter hidden forever {ahem} rather than have 1 kid feel left out. It turned out just fine, too. They were so busy with all the hustle and bustle of the season that they never asked for them. Phew!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…The Best Time of the Year to be a Kid
I like that you’re in the spirit already! The photo of your kids mailing their letters is awesome. Your town is gorgeous!
Justin Knight recently posted…Blueberry Sour Cream Pancakes
Thanks Justin! The cold weather and snow we had this week pushed me into full Christmas-time mode.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…The Best Time of the Year to be a Kid
That picture is absolutely FABULOUS! Love it! 🙂 What a fun contest! Love Gymboree!-Ashley
thedoseofreality recently posted…Operation Christmas Child
Thanks! That pic is a keeper. I love Gymboree, too – especially on sale!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…The Best Time of the Year to be a Kid
I love that mail box! Two of my kids are kind of in between on Santa, so I’m not sure how we’re going to handle it this year. My favorite kind of Christmas picture is one with the kids sitting in front of the tree.
Rabia @TheLiebers recently posted…Weekend Recap
I hope you post this year’s picture of the kids under your tree! I’d love to see it.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…The Best Time of the Year to be a Kid
I love the picture. We love this time of year too. We’re taking off 6 weeks starting next week and I can’t wait!!
Adrienne recently posted…7-Day Raw Cleanse Recap-Day 3 & 4
Okay, NOW I think I can homeschool. Your timeline sounds perfect for really enjoying the holidays!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…The Best Time of the Year to be a Kid