When it comes to my neighbors, I miss the grandparents next door.
Three years ago, we moved our family of four from an 1100 square foot home to our current abode. But what we gained in space, we lost in connection to our old neighbors, Bill and Maureen.
Bill and Maureen were the grandma and grandpa who lived next door for 11 years. They weren’t our grandparents, and they weren’t perfect, but they were great neighbors. In fact, everyone should live next door to someone’s grandparents. And here’s why:
1. They’ve been there, done that.
The grandparents next door were pretty relaxed about life. They’d seen the highs, they’d experienced the lows. When you’re an anxious 30-something with a new baby, there are no greater neighbors than ones who can calm your a@# down!
2. They loved my kids.
Living next to grandparents was nurturing for my kids. Bill and Maureen would hug my kids, chat with them, and pull out any of their grandchildren’s toys in which my kids expressed an interest. They let the kids climb their tree and swing on their swing.
3. They liked me, they really liked me.
When we first moved in next to Bill and Maureen, my husband and I gave them the “friendly wave”, but we assumed we were too busy, or the age difference was too great, to hang out.
But when our son turned 3, he decided Bill and Maureen were the most exciting thing on the block and he started wandering over to visit them.
Like, all. the. time.
Which turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
Because after years of friendly waving, I was now forced out of my comfort zone to actually TALK to my neighbors. And we liked each other. And liking each other leads to respecting one another and all of that makes for good neighbors any day of the week.
4. They had excellent tools and a giant snow blower.
Now that we live in suburbia, we realize how lucky we were to live next to Bill and his tool shed overflowing with every tool imaginable. Plus, see #1 above. If something broke in our house, chances were that Bill had both the tool and the knowledge needed to help us fix it.
He also had an amazing snow blower with snow tires (!) that he loved taking up and down the street to clear off the sidewalks, including ours. What a gift!
Yup, those grandparents next door were gems. And I like to believe that we lived next door to one another at the right right time in our lives. We still see Bill and Maureen around town, but I miss them being right next door.
May you be lucky enough to have grandparents next door!
What do you like about your neighbors? Do you share a bond?
This post was prompted by Finish the Sentence Friday. Today’s prompt was “When it comes to my neighbors…”
Image courtesy of worradmu/Freedigitallphotos.net.
My daughter and son-in-law recently bought a new house. Their next door neighbor is the retired fire chief and unofficial “mayor” of the neighborhood. In the few months since they moved in, this neighbor has helped with water in the basement, poison ivy in the yard and a dead car battery. My hope is that this neighbor and his wife will be the “Bill and Maureen” to my daughter, son-in-law and soon to be born grandson!
Mo at Mocadeaux recently posted…Road Trip!
Yes! They sound like total “Bill and Maureen”s! Your family will be looked after for sure.
Yippee you’re here! So great to see you at FTSF Katy. Your post brought back a wonderful memory of Mr and Mrs. Irwin who lived across the street from us when we were little. My brother and sister and I would toddle over there after we’d opened our stockings and presents and had breakfast. They always had tons of nuts and candy out and took a huge interest in our presents. My grandparents lived nearby but this couple was also so special .
Kelly l m kenzie recently posted…Mr. Rogers Neighborhood?
Thanks for being my blogging “neighbor” and inviting me to join in FTSF! Mr. and Mrs. Irwin sound like a great couple. So happy you have pleasant memories of your time with them. And now, over to read your FTSF!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…The Grandparents Next Door
I don’t have grandparent neighbors, I have parents of college kids which is awesome. They love having Abby stop over and remind them how nice the quiet is when she goes home!
Kerri recently posted…Neighbors
Sounds like a win-win! Thanks for coming by.
I’m so glad that Kelly told you about Finish the Sentence Friday and thank you for linking up. I would LOVE to have somebody’s grandparents next door. That sounds absolutely wonderful. My neighbors are less than great. Maybe it’s the area – we’re in DC and it’s pretty transient here so maybe it’s normal for people to not say hello. Thanks again for linking up!
Kristi Campbell recently posted…Neighbors: Then, Now, And Motherhood is Lonely
Ah, my parents lived in the DC area my last couple years of high school and then when I went away to college. I totally get what you’re saying about the area!
Thanks for hosting Finish the Sentence. I look forward to participating again!
I wholeheartedly agree! I have grandparents all around me in my neighborhood and they are fabulous neighbors. They’re kind, they love my kids (and even my ridiculous dogs!), they love to chat, and I know that they would help me in a heartbeat if I ever needed them. Great post!
Kate (Shakespeare’s Mom) recently posted…Shadows Around the Edges
I need to get out more in my new sub and find those grandparents, for sure!!
LOOOOVE this one Katy!
We had “grandparents” living next to us in our old house. They were very kind people, and really were tolerant of our young boys. I enjoyed talking with them about their lives, and experiences, and I think that they liked having someone to talk with. They’ve passed on now, but we’ll always have a soft spot in our heart for them.
Yes, even though we no longer live near Bill and Maureen, they were there for us at the right time in our lives and I am so grateful!
These are all so true! We live next door to someone else’s grandparents, and they are excellent neighbors! Though truthfully, I haven’t been very neighborly except for the morning/evening hand wave. I really should wander over and actually say hello more often; who knows, we could end up having a great bond like you did!
Katie @ Pick Any Two recently posted…Vegetarian Black Bean and Squash Chili
I bet you’ll get to know them better when your son gets a bit older – preschoolers are like dogs in that they get you out in your neighborhood more!
So beautiful. My favorite part is that you recognize that you lived next to them at the right time in your life. & that they had a great snow blower. 🙂
allison recently posted…When it comes to my neighbors…
Yup on both of your favorite parts! 🙂
I would SO love to live next door to grandparents, especially those like Bill and Maureen. They sound wonderful! :)-Ashley
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