My daughter Sydney turns 7 this week. As most moms say, I can’t believe it!
Where has time gone?
Last year on her birthday I wrote her a love letter of sorts. This year, I wanted to celebrate the spunky, laughable, lovable things she said this past year which have brought me joy and kept me on my toes! Seriously, age 6 was awesome. I never knew what she was going to say. I’ve shared many of her comments here and on Facebook and Twitter, but they deserve repeating.
Is there a particular age that you enjoyed (or miss) most?
Your daughter is hilarious! I was cracking up! Happy birthday to her!
Rhonda recently posted…DOWA #3 – I Found Another Douchebag
She definitely cracks me up, too! And you should see her facial expressions–priceless!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…The Great Things My Six-Year-Old Said
Priceless! Wait until she finds out high school lasts for four years!
Colleen @ MommieDaze recently posted…Why Mom is Crazy
Shh…don’t tell her yet about high school. Currently she’s irritated that she has to go to school 5 days a week.
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…The Great Things My Six-Year-Old Said
I have to resist yelling at my 6 yo son, “Spit it out!” Or “Suck it up!”
Frankie Laursen recently posted…Combatting My Ignorance About Military Life
I get that way, too, especially when we are reading at night after a long day and all I want to do is have 5 minutes to myself to watch junky reality TV!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…A Real Letter to Santa
I, too, have a kiddo turning 7 this week!!! I agree with you: 6 has been awesome! We have his party planned for Saturday and have 31 kids coming. 31!!! I ask you, what on earth were we thinking??? 🙂
Justin Knight recently posted…Creating Memories with Chasing Fireflies
Ha! Justin, 31 kids!? You are crazy, but will have a memorable time for sure!
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…A Real Letter to Santa