She’s one tough cookie. She’s also smarter than I am. I’m usually reminded of that on a daily basis. Below I present two recent interactions with the girl I’m starting to call “The Interrogator”.
Exhibit #1.
Sydney wanted to build a fort out of pillow cushions and sleep there overnight. She was disappointed that her big brother did not want to join her, but welcomed the notion that I, her mother, would spend the night. First, I had to meet her strict criteria.
“Do you snore?”
“Do you twitch?”
“Do you talk in your sleep? You know, blaaaaaah?”
Exhibit #2.
Sydney and are were driving back from the ice cream shop at dusk. Here in Michigan that means it was after 9pm.
“What time is it?” Sydney asked.
My eyes flicked to the clock. My lips parted slightly as I began to answer her. A sound started to escape my mouth when suddenly I was shut down from the back seat. “And don’t tell me it’s ‘time for a bath’ because that’s not what I want to hear!”
What have your kids or loved ones been grilling you on lately?
That gal’s got some sass. What side of the family does that come from?
Elizabeth@Transitional-Woman recently posted…You Do What You Have to Do
Uh…let’s call it Dad’s side. Yeah, that’s right, Dad’s side. 🙂
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…The Interrogator
Good lord! And good luck, sis! LOL I think you’re doomed….. and I say that in a NICE way of course… (K is thanking the stars she is just the “aunt”)….
Not looking forward to the tween and/or teen years! Gonna be something…
Katy @ Experienced Bad Mom recently posted…The Interrogator
Brings back memories!!!
Lynden recently posted…Digital Photo Restorations !
Sounds like she’s used to a routine! Must be second child syndrome. My #2 he’s got some sass, too!
Erin recently posted…Do You know?
Like “bathtime” is a bad thing, right? Hey, kid, my cleaning you every night shows you that I love ya! 🙂
3yo asked me ” Do you have a husband?” the other day – completely took me off guard.
Not Winning Mom of the Year recently posted…Victory Lap
It’s so interesting how their thought processes work!
Usually mine (who is 4) likes to ask about death. Normally dead animals. Its lovely.
MV recently posted…Are you ready for some football?
Wow–better you than me! Thanks for commenting. 🙂